To provide College of Liberal Arts-specific guidelines, templates, and resources to our departments (faculty candidates, faculty committee members, chairs/directors, and especially, department staff responsible to help assemble our faculty promotion files).
GG, or Guidelines: UT General Guidelines for Promotion; there are separate documents for TTT and PTF promotions. (see also EVPP site)
TTT: Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty
PTF: Professional-Track Faculty
Staff: department staff working on file
Cand: promotion candidate
Chair: department chair(s)
BC/EC: department faculty governing body members (see also Governance)
Dean: Ann Huff Stevens
EVPP: Provost’s Office staff and/or one or more Provosts
Guidelines and Templates
The COLA Promotion and Tenure Dossier Guidelines and sample documents assist faculty and staff to compile and catalog all documents related to the promotion file. They are based on the Provost Guidelines, and the Provost Office's General Guidelines should be considered the overall source for promotion process and policy. Some practices described in our checklist apply to our college only. If you have any questions or seek clarification, please do ask us!
Note: These documents are provided as a guideline for Liberal Arts faculty and departmental administrative staff only.
All items are COLA-specific docs/versions, unless otherwise noted in parentheses:
COLA Professional-Track Faculty Promotion Guidance
This document outlines current expectations and best practices related to professional track faculty seeking promotion in rank within the College of Liberal Arts.
24-25 Promotion File Names and Content
***IMPORTANT: Please do not use the EVPP "Dossier Prep" guides, as they will not include COLA-specific requirements.
Tenured and Tenure-Track Candidates last updated - 6/18/24
Professional-Track Candidates last updated - 6/18/24
24-25 COLA Promotion Guides
Note: These college-specific process guides are companions to the Provost's General Guidelines (x 2) and will continue to be updated as errors are discovered (or if/when visual aids, FAQs, or similar information seems helpful to add); the cover page of each Guide includes the version date.
Please let Ann K know when you find any mistakes, or if/when you find specific procedures confusing. Thanks!
Summary of Reviewers chart (EVPP)
Outlets Table (EVPP)
Sample Postdocs Mentored [can also be used as general template for placeholders, memos, etc.]
Solicitation Letter Templates (for External or Internal Letters of Reference): Please use the letters on the Provost’s website.
Provost's Office 24-25 Promotion and Tenure site
Timeline 2024-2025
Spring: Departments notify COLA who will be going up for promotion and tenure in the Fall.
Apr-Jun: COLA meets with Cands and Staff to go over guidelines and answer questions.
~September 15, 2024: Department promotion materials due to COLA. [via Box folders]
late Sept-October 2024: COLA Promotion and Tenure Committee and Dean begin to review promotion materials.
Thurs., Oct. 10 - Fri., Oct. 11, 2024: COLA Promotion and Tenure Committee meets to deliberate and vote on PTF promotion candidates.
Oct. 16: Professional-track promotion files are due to the Provost Office. Dean letters for these cases due Oct. 21.
Oct.-Nov.: EVPP review and request edits to COLA PTF files.
Fri., Oct. 25 - Sat., Oct. 26: COLA Promotion and Tenure Committee meets to deliberate and vote on TTT promotion candidates.
Nov. 6: Tenured and tenure-track promotion files are due to the Provost's Office. Dean letters for these cases due Nov. 18.
Nov.-Dec.: EVPP review and request edits to COLA TTT files.
Dec. or Jan?: Dean will meet with President's Committee to discuss PTF promotion candidate cases.
Jan. or Feb?: Dean will meet with President's Committee to discuss TTT promotion candidates.
February 17, 2025: President will notify the Dean of all promotion and tenure decisions.
February 21, 2025: Dean will notify Chair who will notify Cand, Staff, and BC/EC of President's decisions. COLA follows up with official notification letters.
April 4, 2025: Deadline to submit final arguments and CCAFR requests to the Provost Office.
April 18, 2025: President will notify Dean of final decisions regarding Assistant Professors with terminal appointments-pending.
May 16, 2025: CCAFR deadline to send President/candidate their reports (for requested investigations).
August 16, 2025: Effective date of new rank for successfully promoted faculty.
Please direct questions about the College of Liberal Arts Promotion and Tenure Review process to