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Faculty Funding

  • College Research Fellowships
  • Subvention Grants
  • Littlefield and Ransom Faculty Fellows

Graduate Student Funding

  • COLA Graduate Student External Award Supplement Fund

College Research Fellowships

There are two categories of College Research Fellowships. Please note that both categories are limited in number and awarded on a competitive basis. Applicants should discuss their application with their Department Chair in order to best understand the optimal semester to apply based on the needs and priorities of the Department. 

One of the considerations in awarding any College Research Fellowship is the benefit that will accrue to the university. Please remember that there is a "return rule" associated with both the CRF and SCRF - any recipient is expected to return to normal teaching duties for at least the following academic year (two long semesters) and, if a recipient elects to leave the University without returning for an academic year, is obligated to reimburse the University for the cost of the Fellowship. For faculty taking an award for two semesters, the return rule will be for four long semesters or two academic years.

  • The College Research Fellowship (CRF) relieves faculty members of teaching their required organized classes for one long semester in order to devote their attention to a research project. All COLA Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors are eligible to apply. Again, please discuss with your Chair prior to applying to verify the timing of your leave, if awarded. Department Chairs will rank applications and final decisions will be made by the Dean's Office. Notifications are expected by Monday, December 20, 2021.
  • The Supplemental College Research Fellowship (SCRF) is awarded to supplement prestigious external grants and fellowships. SCRFs are limited to a maximum of 50% of a faculty member's salary for the award period, regardless of the amount that the outside funding covers. The length of the award may vary to accommodate the requirements of the granting agency. Applicants and department chairs should nominate the faculty member only after receiving confirmation of the outside award. Since these awards involve the faculty member requesting a leave or release from the instructional budget, please review the college's Faculty Leave information. 

Information for Applicants

All COLA Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors are eligible to apply.

CRF and SCRF applications open: October 4, 2021.

Application Deadlines

College Research Fellowship (CRF): November 1, 2021
Supplemental College Research Fellowship (SCRF): May 1, 2022

Information Required for CRF Application: Name/EID/Title/Dept; application type - regular competitive application or pre-approved agreement (must provide offer/preemptive/counter letter with Dean’s Office-level approval); preferred semester for leave; research proposal title; anticipated course assignments by semester for 2021-22 including enrollment estimates for each course; all partial, semester-long, or academic year-long leaves in the past five years, beginning Fall 2015, and affiliated projects (FRA, CRF, NSF, NEH, etc.); Current CV; 2-3 page research statement outlining the research project and a description of how this fits into research trajectory; and pre-approved CRF approval letter (if applicable).

Information Required for an SCRF Application: Name/EID/Title/Dept; preferred semester for leave; research proposal title; anticipated course assignments by semester for 2021-22 including enrollment estimates for each course; all partial, semester-long, or academic year-long leaves in the past five years, beginning Fall 2015, and affiliated projects (FRA, CRF, NSF, NEH, etc.); name(s) of granting agency; Current CV; 2-3 page research statement outlining the research project and a description of how this fits into research trajectory; and award materials.

Click here to be directed to COLLEGE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (CRF) application

Click here to be directed to SUPPLEMENTAL COLLEGE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (SCRF) application

Information for Departments

  • Each department should have its own internal review process for reviewing and ranking CRF applications, and in determining the department’s capacity for faculty leaves while still meeting instructional needs without additional funds from the Dean’s Office
  • The Dean's Office will provide a standardized ranking spreadsheet/system for Chairs to record rankings and other notes
  • Departments/Chairs will rank regular competitive applications only (not pre-approved)
  • Departments may input the “preferred semester of leave” for each applicant, including pre-approved applicants (if negotiable per their commitment) and may also input individual notes for each applicant
  • Each department will submit a 1-2 page Chair’s Narrative that includes:
    • Number of leaves that can reasonably sustained for the year (by each semester) that will allow the department to meet its instructional needs without additional funds from the Dean’s Office, based on knowledge of existing and anticipated departmental commitments.
    • The strategic and/or research priorities that informed the ranking decisions (optional)
    • Any additional information that might be relevant for the Dean’s Office to know about the review/ranking process

Please contact with any questions.

OVPR/COLA Partnership to Support Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences


The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) have partnered to create two funding sources to support COLA faculty members engaged in scholarship in the broad areas of the humanities and social sciences, respectively. The OVPR and COLA will jointly fund the Humanities Fund and Social Sciences Fund, with each at $50,000 per year, to support applications from COLA faculty over the course of the academic year. These sources are intended to help faculty cover lower-level expenses that arise over the course of a project (e.g., licensing fees, archive and field travel, equipment), not the larger-scale expenses addressed through COLA’s new Littlefield and Ransom Faculty Fellowships or the various programs offered by the OVPR. As such, they should not serve as the sole or primary funder for a project, cannot substitute for other sources of internal funding, and are best employed in conjunction with external funding. The goal is to help COLA faculty start or complete projects in the face of unanticipated or unbudgeted but necessary expenses.


  • Requests for funding are limited to a maximum of $3,000 in any given year.
  • Applications will be accepted—and funding decisions made—on a rolling basis.
  • Information on ineligible expenses is listed below.
  • Although not required, the following considerations may be used to prioritize applications:
  • Use of the award to supplement past or current external funding or as a foundation for future proposals for external funding
  • Collaborative and especially interdisciplinary projects
  • Projects involving graduate or undergraduate students in the scholarship

All tenure-track and professional-track faculty with Principal Investigator status and with primary appointments in COLA are eligible to apply, with the following conditions:

  • Receipt of funding is limited to once per academic year and no more than three times in any five-year period.
  • After receipt, recipients are not eligible to re-apply for future funding for the same project.
  • Faculty with endowed chairs or professorships or who have other discretionary research funds (e.g., startup funds granted by COLA) are not eligible to apply.
  • Faculty cannot apply for expenses on projects that have received funding from other internal funding initiatives from COLA (e.g., the Littlefield and Ransom Fellowships, Humanities Research Awards, Subvention Grants) or OVPR (e.g., Research and Creative Grants, Special Research Grants, Subvention Grants).

Application process:
At this link, eligible faculty can submit their applications via Microsoft Forms (Applicant will be prompted to log onto UT Microsoft Outlook with their UT email to access the application form.)

The application requires:

  • Project title
  • Project abstract (250 words or less)
  • Description of the need for funding
  • Proposed project start and end dates
  • Total requested amount and itemized budget details (Note: Any changes to the approved budget will require the Research Dean’s approval.)
  • Other external funding received, pending, and future requests
  • Signature of applicant that the application is not recycled and will not be recycled from other internal initiatives that were not funded.

Other Considerations

  • Funds most commonly will be distributed as a reimbursement by the faculty member’s departmental staff.
  • Awardees will be responsible for documenting to COLA the distribution of the funds and reporting on promised outcomes by the end of the project period.
  • Receipt of funding comes with the agreement that OVPR and COLA may feature awardee’s projects on their websites and/or in communications about institutional investments in humanities and social science scholarship.
  • Awardees may be asked to review future applications to the program.

Ineligible Expenses

  • Researcher’s salary or fringe benefits
  • Any costs related to dissemination of the completed research
  • General-purpose computer equipment or software (e.g., laptops, Microsoft Word, etc.)
  • Travel or registration costs for professional conferences, meetings, or symposia
  • Professional membership fees
  • Entertainment expenses
  • Office supplies unless specifically required for the proposed project

Please direct questions about this program to the COLA Research Support Office at

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