While IGRINS is being stored it is desirable that the HKP be left running so the instrument status can be remotely monitored.
After the IGRINS storage procedure has been followed:
- Open a terminal window on the ICC and type “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- Run "python tmp350.py" to check that the network connection is correct. Leave this package running.
- If it stars to display 'Periodic Heater Range Check and Adjustment' then the network is correct.
- If it displays nothing, and appears to be frozen, then control-C out of the script and swap the fiber optic cables in the patch box next to the ICC.
- In a new terminal, the HKP can be started by typing:
- “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- "sudo bash hkprun"
- In HKP, press “Periodic Monitoring” to begin temperature and pressure logging.
Monitoring HKP on a web browser,
- Type "python hkweb_trans.py" in "~/igrins_admin" and keep it running,
- Open the web browser and type http://paschen.kasi.re.kr/igrinshk.php