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General Information

  1. The team captain and all players are responsible for all information contained in the General Rules Page and in the following page. 
  2. Intramural Softball is governed by NIRSA – National Intramural/Recreational Sports Association playing rules and any modifications outlined in this document.


  1. All players are required to bring a valid photo ID to all Intramural games.
  2. A regulation Intramural Softball team includes 10 players.

  3. A team must start play with at least 8 players present. Players arriving late may be added to the bottom of the batting order at any time.

    1. If injuries reduce a team to 7 players or less, the game may continue with staff approval.
    2. A team reduced to 7 players or less via player ejections will automatically forfeit.
  4. For more information regarding roster rules, please see the Eligibility and Participation page.

Equipment and Uniforms

  1. BALLS - Game balls will be provided. Both teams must play with the provided game balls. Pre-game warm up balls will be provided.
  2. BATS – Bats will be provided by the Intramural Program for use during all Intramural games. Participants may NOT use their own bats.
  3. GLOVES – Any glove or mitt is permitted. Gloves will be available for check out.
  4. MASKS – Protective masks for the catcher will be available if players choose to wear them.
  5. SHOES - Sandals or bare feet are not permitted. Metal cleats are not permitted.


  1. Games will be played through 7 innings or 60 minutes - whichever comes first.
  2. The umpire will start the clock at the scheduled game time.
  3. If time expires, any inning that has started will be completed. An inning officially starts when the third out is made at the end of the preceding inning.
  4. If the game is tied after regulation, only 1 extra inning will be played.
  5. Regarding inclement weather, the game shall be declared official if 4 innings or 35 minutes of play have been completed when the game is stopped.

No Show

  1. Teams not ready to play within 10 minutes after the scheduled starting time (not when the preceding game finishes) will receive a no show loss.
  2. Below is a summary of penalties for a team that is late:
    1. Game Time = automatically designated the “visitor”
    2. 5 minutes late = loss of first “at bat”
    3.  10 minutes late = loss 5-0 and removed from league
  3. Note: If neither team is ready to play by the scheduled game time, and it is less than 10 minutes past the scheduled start time, the teams will be permitted to play. The first team that arrives will be designated as the Home team. The game shall begin and continue for the remainder of the 60-minute time limit.
  4. If a team No-Shows for a game they will be removed from the league and replaced with a team on the waiting list.

Game Summary Sheets and Line-ups

  1. All players that participate in a game must be listed on the GAME SUMMARY SHEET and on the LINE UP.
  2. The GAME SUMMARY SHEET is the pre-printed list of players that are eligible to participate with each team, and where the running score, final score, captain’s signatures, and sportsmanship grades will be recorded. Only players who are listed on the pre-printed game summary sheet may play in the game.
  3. The LINE UP (scorecard) is the list of ten starting players in batting order and the template for each team to record the outs/runs for each of their batters.
  4. Teams must submit their LINE UP at least 5 minutes before game time.
  5. Scorecards will be on a clipboard in the dugout – teams may save time by writing down its starting line-up prior to the scheduled game. First initial and Last name are required on the LINE UP.
  6. Home and Visitor will be determined by a coin toss prior to the start of the game. 


  1. Each team must provide a scorekeeper for their team. The scorekeeper should notify the umpire at the start of each half-inning of the first batter's name.
  2. All protests concerning scoring or batting order should be made at the time an error is noted. An Intramural Staff member should be contacted immediately to address the protest.
  3. No scoring protest will be heard at the end of the game. 

Run Limits

  1. A 7-run limit per inning will be in effect. Once the 7th run legally crosses the plate, the ball will become dead and the inning will be over. The On-Deck batter will bat first in the next inning.
  2. The 7-run per inning rule will be LIFTED for the last inning of the game.
  3. The 10-run mercy rule will be enforced after 3 1/2 (or 4) innings, or at the time limit, whichever comes first.
  4. The home team always gets to complete their half of the inning, even if the visitors go ahead by more than 10 runs. 

Substitution Rules

  1. Unlimited substitutions are permitted at each position in the batting order. Player A & B may "share" a spot in the batting order - either may bat or either may play the field, but may not play in the field at the same time. Once a player enters the game, either as a starter or substitute, he or she may only re-enter the game in the same batting position.
  2. Unless a player is injured and cannot continue, no pinch runners will be allowed under any circumstance. If players are sharing a spot in the order, the player that starts an at-bat must finish the at-bat. The player sharing the position may not pinch run unless the other player is too injured to continue. See Injured Runner Rule.
  3. If a team begins with less than 10 players there is no penalty for the empty spots in the batting order. Players arriving late may be added to the bottom of the line-up at any time. If a team begins with a full batting order (10 players) and a player is injured or cannot otherwise continue and the team does not have an eligible substitute, then the team must take an out for that spot in the order. An eligible substitute is one who has not yet played in the game, either as a batter or fielder.

 Pitching rules, balls and strikes

  1. Each batter will start with a 1 ball and 1 strike count. 4 balls will result in a walk and 3 strikes in an out.
  2. With a two-strike count, the batter will be allowed one foul ball called a “courtesy foul.” The batter will be declared out on the second foul ball of a two-strike count. The ball is dead and runners may not advance.
    1. Exception: If a player catches this foul ball, the ball is live and runners may tag and advance at the risk of being put out.
  3. The strike zone is the zone over home plate from the bottom of the batter's knees to the top of the shoulders.
  4. Pitches should have an arc of 6-12 feet. An “illegal pitch” will be called if the pitched ball does not meet this requirement. All “illegal” pitches are considered “balls” unless the batter chooses to swing, and then the result of the play will count.
  5. The pitcher must pause for one second prior to starting their pitching motion, and must have one foot in contact with the pitching rubber when the ball is released.
  6. Pitches must be underhand, be completed in one motion (no stopping or re-directing the pitching motion), and the ball may not pass the pitchers hip more than once before being released.
  7. A pitched ball striking a batter does not entitle them to first base. The pitch shall be called a strike or a ball depending on location.
  8. If the pitcher desires to walk a batter intentionally, the pitcher notifies the plate umpire who awards the batter first base.
  9. Each pitcher is permitted five warm-up pitches at the beginning of the game only. No warm-up pitches or infield throws will be allowed between innings.
    1. Exception: Substitute pitchers will be allowed warm up three pitches.

 Batting Rules

  1. A batter shall be out if the batter bunts or intentionally chops the ball downward.
  2. If a batter throws the bat, a team warning will be issued. After the warning, any team member throwing the bat will be called out, the ball will become dead, and all runners will return to their original base.
  3. A batter who steps on the plate or clearly and completely in front of the plate while contacting the ball will be called out.
  4. A batted ball in the out-of-play area is a dead ball and may not be played.
  5. There are no penalties for hitting a homerun over the fence. The Intramural Program reserves the right to modify this rule during the season.

 Base Running Rules

  1. Under no circumstances are runners permitted to steal a base.
  2. A base runner shall be declared out if he/she leaves their base while the pitcher has the ball in legal pitching position or before a legal pitch is hit.
  3. Runners may slide head first or feet first into any base. Any runner sliding “cleats up” or with intent to injure will be called out and may be ejected.
  4. When a defensive player has the ball and is waiting to tag a runner and the runner remains on their feet and deliberately crashes into the defensive player, the runner will be called out. The ball is dead and all other runners must return to the last base touched at the time of the collision. Note: If the act is determined to be flagrant, the offender shall be ejected.
  5. DOUBLE FIRST BASE: The double first base is used to avoid collisions and consequent injuries at first base. A batter-runner must use the safety base (orange base) while advancing and a play is being made at first base. If no play is being made at first base then the batter-runner may touch either the white or orange portion. If the throw is coming from the foul side of the line, or if the defensive player is drawn to the orange side of the base, both the defensive player and the batter-runner may use either the orange or white portion.

 Injured Runner

  1. If a batter reaches base safely and is injured too severely to run, the player sharing that spot in the batting order will replace the injured runner. However, if that spot in the order is not being shared, the last man or woman to make an out will replace the runner.
  2. An injured runner may not re-enter the game if replaced with a pinch runner. 
  3. NOTE: The Intramural Staff on duty may make an exception to this policy if it is in the best interest of the game and the participants.

 Overthrow Rule

  1. When the ball is overthrown into FOUL TERRITORY, every base runner may advance at their own risk. The ball remains in play and such runners are liable to be put out while advancing. There is no limit on the number of bases a runner may take.
  2. Should the overthrown ball go into OUT-OF-PLAY TERRITORY (IN DUGOUT/OVER THE FENCE), the ball is dead and the runners are awarded two bases from the last base legally touched at the time the ball left the thrower's hand. The award of bases is determined by the position of the front-runner if there are two runners between the same base at the time of award.

 Coed Modifications

 Number of players

  1. A regulation coed team includes 6 males and 4 females. A minimum of 8 players is required to start the game, and at least 3 must be female.
  2. At all times, a team can play with more females than males. However, there must be at least 1 male, but never more than 6 males, on the field or in the batting order at the same time.

Legal Coed Player Combinations

Full Team


9 Person Team


8 Person Team
























































Restraining line

  1. There will be a 150-foot restraining arc marked in the outfield.
  2. At least 3 outfielders must be behind this line and are not permitted to break this line until the batter contacts the ball. This rule applies to all batters – male and female.
  3. The penalty for violation of this rule is obstruction (live ball). 

Batting order

  1. There are no restrictions on the batting order in this Division. 


  1. Substitutions must be male for male and female for female only.
  2. Any starter or substitute that re-enters the game must re-enter in the same batting position as he/she started. 


  1. Any time a batter is walked, that batter is automatically awarded second base and all base runner.

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