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EDP Committees


Leadership Team

  • Establish strategic priorities and benchmarks 
  • Facilitate coordination among the programs
  • Serve as communication liaison between the College and Program faculty 
  • Generate recommendations for departmental policy 
  • Department Chair 
  • GSC Chair
  • Area Chairs
  • Graduate Adviser

Budget Council

Responsible for preparing recommendations about faculty hiring, renewal/non-renewal of tenure track faculty appointments, promotion and tenure, and reviewing the annual budget. A quorum of more than ½ of budget council members is required for voting on budget council matters. 

  • All EDP T/TT Associate and Full Professors

Graduate Studies Committee (GSC)

Makes decisions about the coursework graduate students must complete. The GSC also approves the qualifying examinations that graduate students must pass and determines general academic policy pertaining to earning a graduate degree.  

Officers of the GSC include the GSC Chair, GSC Vice Chair, and GSC Secretary (Graduate Adviser). The Chair and Vice Chair serve two-year terms and are elected by GSC members during a vote held before the last meeting of the academic long semester. The GSC Chair works with the GSC Executive Committee to establish an agenda for each GSC meeting, leads GSC meetings, and approves all documentation required by the Graduate School. The GSC Vice Chair is available to fill in for the GSC Chair when needed during meetings and participates in GSC Executive Meetings. The GSC Secretary makes sure that documentation of GSC meetings, discussions, and votes are maintained. 

The GSC Executive Committee (EC) approves graduate student petitions that are time sensitive and confidential graduate student matters. 

  • GSC = All EDP Tenured/Tenure-Track (T/TT) faculty
  • GSC EC = GSC Chair, GSC Vice-Chair, Graduate Advisor, Dept Chair

Faculty Review Committees

Faculty reviews are conducted in the Fall semester, by committees appointed by the Department Chair for each rank: Non-tenure Track, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor. Members of the review committee are typically at a higher rank than those they are reviewing. Each committee will have a chair, who is responsible for organizing the work of their committee, and working with the  Department Chair to review and revise ratings. Each committee should contain one member from each program if possible. Each faculty review committee is charged with establishing merit ratings in accordance with the Departments’ merit policy. Each faculty record should first be reviewed by two members of the committee: a primary reviewer who completes a comprehensive review, and a secondary reviewer to assure each review is comprehensive and accurate. After these initial reviews, each merit committee is expected to work together to calibrate ratings across the members reviewed. More information about Faculty Annual Review:

Peer Teaching Committees

Peer teaching reviews of the faculty are required for promotion, tenure, and post-tenure review. The Department Chair will establish a peer teaching review committee. Faculty at the Assistant and Associate ranks (including TT and Professional Track faculty) should be reviewed in their second and fifth years in rank. At the full professor rank, a peer teaching observation should occur during the fifth year of each six year post tenure cycle. More information about Peer Teaching >

See Faculty Review page for Review / Peer Teaching Committee assignments.

Fellowship Committee

Determines eligibility for, and distribution of, financial support from the Graduate School, COE, and Departmental endowments. The Graduate Advisor is responsible for working with the Graduate Coordinator to identify available funds in a given year, and to work with the committee to prioritize both incoming and continuing fellowship awards.  

  • Graduate Advisor
  • Graduate Coordinator
  • Area Chairs (or delegates)

Ad Hoc Committees

As needed and consistent with strategic planning, the Department Chair will form and disband committees on an annual basis. 

Departmental Administrative Roles 

 Department Chair

Department Chair 


  • Minimum: Budget Council Member (tenured)
  • Preferred: Full Professor; administrative experience 

Term: Determined by the Dean 

Appointment: The Chair is appointed by and serves “at the pleasure” of the Dean of the College of Education


  1. Provide leadership
    1. Inspire a shared vision
    2. Effective communication
    3. Advocate for department and/or individuals
    4. Champion diversity and equity within the context of excellence
    5. Intermediary for administration to faculty
    6. Lead faculty in setting high standards for research, teaching, and service
    7. Establish relationships with alumni, prospective students, donors, etc.
  2. Administration of the department budget & ensuring fiscal responsibility
    1. Be familiar with the rules governing expenditures
  3. Scheduling courses 
    1. Have discretion to deploy faculty as needed 
    2. Ensure following any guidelines established by the Dean
  4. Supervise staff
    1. Be familiar with staff personnel policies and procedures
    2. Provide direction and feedback; address personnel issues immediately
    3. Provide staff support and recognition
    4. Negotiate/mediate conflicts 
  5. Faculty support
    1. Be familiar with policies and procedures for hiring, merit reviews, promotions, leaves, etc.
    2. Ensure faculty are aware of resources available to them
    3. Create an environment that will encourage faculty productivity
    4. Be accessible, establish relationships, be willing to listen to concerns
    5. Provide honest and timely evaluations
    6. Ensure that new hires stay on track
      1. Professional development opportunities
      2. Answer questions
      3. Provide advice and information
      4. Establish mentoring relationships
      5. Know departmental and college level governance procedures

Routine Activities/Responsibilities in addition to those noted above:

  1. Attend monthly meetings of the Dean’s Management Team
  2. Collaborate with the EDP Leadership Team in determining department vision and policy
  3. Convene the Budget Council to review matters related to fiscal responsibility
  4. Supervise promotion and tenure review process, including peer teaching evaluations, annual faculty reviews, and periodic comprehensive reviews 
  5. Recommend faculty for promotion, tenure, and endowed fellowships
  6. Complete ad hoc tasks assigned by the Dean 
 Associate Department Chair (optional position)*

Associate Department Chair (optional position)*

At the discretion of the Chair, an Associate Chair may be appointed. 


  • Minimum:  Budget Council member (tenured)
  • Preferred: Full Professor, administrative experience

Term: Determined by the Chair 


  • Responsible for coordinating faculty and staff awards
  • Back-up for Chair on any administrative duties necessary
  • Attends Leadership Meetings and collaborate with the EDP Leadership Team in determining department vision and policy
  • Assists chair in strategic planning and operations 

*A single faculty member may serve as both the Associate Chair and Graduate Advisor at the discretion of the Chair.

 Graduate Advisor

Graduate Advisor 


  • Minimum: Budget Council member (tenured)
  • Preferred: Full Professor, administrative experience

Appointment: Nominated by members of GSC; Selected by Department Chair          


  • Responsible for all matters pertaining to student standing in Graduate School 
  • Works with Graduate Coordinator on all matters pertaining to student standing in Graduate School 
  • Works with Admissions Coordinator on Departmental admissions process including planning and conducting Department Orientation for new students in Fall
  • Collaborate with the EDP Leadership Team in determining department vision and policy
  • Serves as secretary to GSC
  • Serves as member of GSC Executive Committee
  • Serves as coordinator of Fellowship committee along with Program Chairs or their designees
 GSC Chair

GSC Chair 

Qualifications: GSC Member 

Term: 2 years 

 Appointment: vote of GSC members 


  • Participates in GSC EC meetings
  • Works with graduate coordinator and graduate advisor to set GSC agenda
  • Leads GSC meetings
 GSC Vice-Chair

GSC Vice-Chair 

 Qualifications: GSC Member 

 Term: 2 years 

 Appointment: vote of GSC members 


  • Participates in GSC EC meetings
  • Assists GSC Chair when needed 
  • Leads GSC meetings when GSC Chair is unavailable 
  • Assumes GSC Chair role if Chair is unavailable to fill role
 Academic Area Chair

Academic Area Chair (QM, HDCLS, School and Counseling Training Programs) 


  • Minimum: Tenure Track Faculty
  • Preferred: Associate or Full Professor 

Appointment: Depending on the needs of the area, Department, and faculty member, an area director may be appointed for a term of up to four years. The current Academic Area Director should notify Department Chair by beginning of their fourth (or last) year in this position as to whether they seek to continue for another term. If not, or if other qualified members of the program also seek the position, the Department Chair will initiate a search committee. If the Academic Area Director intends to continue for a second term, and there are no other faculty interested in the position, the Department Chair will appoint a review committee (see below).  

During the Spring semester of an Academic Area Director’s fourth (or last) year, the Department Chair consults with program faculty to establish a committee to review the performance of the current Academic Area Director and/or (if the director may be stepping down) select a new Academic Area Chair. The committee should include a minimum of three people, including at least one faculty with an appointment in that area, one faculty outside the area, and one student in that area. Performance feedback will be solicited from faculty, students, and staff and will be coordinated by the review committee chair and/or the Administrative Manager. 

CompensationAcademic Area Directors may select either a one-course reduction (in either the Fall or Spring). Additionally, program directors receive $1,500 summer salary for the month of August (paid September 1) to be present for orientation, advising, and leadership functions in the weeks prior to the onset of the fall semester. 


  1. Provide leadership for area 
    1. Represents area at Departmental meetings (Leadership Team, Fellowship Meetings, GSC Meetings, Budget Council, etc.) 
    2. Sets agenda for and leads area faculty meetings 
    3. Works with Leadership Team, Directors of Clinical Training, and EDP staff to meet accreditation (e.g. SACS) and other reporting requirements
  2. Oversees Student Matters
    1. Advises and approves master’s and doctoral student course selection 
    2. Coordinates reviews of all applicant files and recommends students for admission to Graduate Adviser, including interview day for program (if applicable) and CoE campus visit day.
    3. Participates in fellowship committee and makes recommendations for area fellowships/scholarships 
    4. Responds to queries about the area from applicants and potential applicants 
    5. Oversees annual evaluation of program students
    6. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained. 
  3. Provides leadership on curriculum issues
    1. Initiates changes to the program curriculum as needed to maintain excellence
    2. Ensures that curriculum meets regional and national standards 
    3. Works with program faculty and leadership team to coordinate teaching schedules, identify curriculum needs, develop multi-year curriculum plans, and determine resources needs to curricular objectives. 
  4. Communication 
    1. Communicates with Department Chair about program activities
    2. Communicates with program faculty and students about Department, College, and University policies, discussions, and initiatives
    3. Provide updated content for website as needed 
    4. Safety in Suites
  5. Safety in Suites
    1. serves as Floor Safety Manager.
      1. assist with the evacuation, safety, and re-entry control process. These dedicated volunteers ensure suite-wide coverage during business hours and are an integral component of a department's building’s alarm system.
      2. Emergency Responsibilities: The primary responsibilities of the safety floor managers are evacuation and security.  

Note: Additional information about program director responsibilities for each program is included in appendix. 

 Training Director (SP/CP Doctoral Programs)

Training Director (School and Counseling Psychology Doctoral Programs)


  • Minimum: Licensed Psychologist
  • Preferred: Experience directing APA-accredited program 

Title: Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Instruction

Appointment Term: Negotiable  

Evaluation: Non-tenure track faculty who comply with the faculty annual review process will be evaluated annually for promotion and merit salary increases. 

The Department Chair consults with program faculty to establish a committee to review the performance of the training director and/or select a new training director. The review committee should faculty with an appointment in each program, and two students (one in each program). Performance feedback will be solicited from faculty, students, and staff and will be coordinated by the review committee chair and/or the Administrative Manager. 



  1. Oversees the APA Reporting and Accreditation Compliance
    1. Compiles program data relevant to the APA annual report
    2. Assumes leadership of the APA self-study and re-accreditation process 
    3. Assures annual information compliance with the APA SoA
  2. Oversees Practicum Training
    1. Identifies appropriate practicum placements 
      1. Ensures supervised experiences are consistent with the APA standards of accreditation 
      2. Maintains communication with site directors of training 
      3. Collects data on site relevant to student training (i.e., indicators of quality training, availability of supervisors, types of training provided, etc.) 
    2. Coordinates practicum assignment process in School and Counseling Psychology 
    3. Collects and maintains records relevant to practicum training (i.e., agreement forms, annual review of students, student reviews of practicum sites, etc.) 
    4. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained. 
    5. Participates in annual review of doctoral SP and CP students 
  3. Oversees Internship Process 
    1. Collects, organizes and communicates to student’s information relevant to each stage of the internship process
    2. Ensures internships to which students apply are consistent with the APA standards of accreditation 
    3. Assures students are eligible for application to internship
    4. Advises students on the internship process
    5. Teaches the Doctoral Internship Colloquium annually in the fall semester.
    6. In coordination with the program director, completes training director recommendation letter for internship
    7. Maintains communication with internship directors of training 
    8. Collects and maintains records relevant to the student’s internship 
    9. Communicates post-doctoral and employment opportunities to interns.
    10. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained. 
    11. Participates in annual review of doctoral SP and CP students 
  4. Provides leadership on curriculum issues related to clinical (practicum/internship) training
    1. Initiates changes to the program curriculum as needed to maintain excellence
    2. Ensures that curriculum meets regional and national standards 
  5. Communication 
    1. Participates in program faculty meetings
    2. Communicates with Department chair about clinical training needs and resources
    3. Communicates with program faculty and students about relevant national, regional changes in clinical training
    4. Provide updated content for program website as needed
 Training Director (CE Masters)

Training Director (Counselor Education Master’s Program)


  • Minimum: Doctoral Degree in Counseling Psychology, Counselor Education, or a related field. Appropriate practice credential in counseling. 
  • Preferred: Teaching experience at the college or graduate level. Program management, development, and supervision experience.

Title: Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Practice 

Appointment Term: Negotiable  

Evaluation: Non-tenure track faculty who comply with the faculty annual review process will be evaluated annually for promotion and merit salary increases. 

The Department Chair consults with program faculty to establish a committee to review the performance of the training director and/or (if the director is stepping down) select a new training director. The review committee should include a minimum of two faculty and one student. Performance feedback will be solicited from faculty, students, and staff and will be coordinated by the review committee chair and/or the Administrative Manager. 

Following the initial 3-year term, this position is eligible for a rolling or 3-year fixed appointment based on performance and budget.

CompensationThe customary teaching load for non-tenure track faculty is four courses per semester. Course releases are negotiable. 


  1. Provides Administrative Oversight of the Program in Coordination with the Academic Area Director
    1. Coordinates with the Academic Area Director recruitment, admissions, and fellowships for the program
    2. Coordinates with the Academic Area Director graduate student progress and timely review.
  2. Oversees Practicum Training 
    1. Identifies appropriate practicum placements 
      1. Ensures supervised experiences are consistent with the TEA certification and/or LPC licensure
      2. Maintains communication with practicum site supervisors
      3. Collects data on site relevant to student training (i.e., indicators of quality training, availability of supervisors, types of training provided, etc.) 
    2. Coordinates practicum assignment process
    3. Collects and maintains records relevant to practicum training (i.e., agreement forms, annual review of students, student reviews of practicum sites, etc.) 
    4. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained. 
    5. Participates in annual review of students
  3. Oversees Post-Graduate Licensure/Certification
    1. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained.
    2. Completes requested recommendations and confirmation of competence from relevant post-graduation employers and credentialing bodies.
  4. Provides leadership on curriculum issues related to training
    1. Initiates changes to the program curriculum as needed to maintain excellence 
    2. Ensures that curriculum meets regional and national standards 
  5. Communication 
    1. Participates in program faculty meetings
    2. Communicates with Department chair about clinical training needs and resources
    3. Communicates with program faculty and students about relevant national, regional changes in clinical training
    4. Provide updated content for program website as needed
  6. Documentation
    1. Compiles and maintains student records for the M.Ed. program
    2. If relevant, assumes leadership of accreditation for the M.Ed. program
 Training Director (SSP Masters)

Training Director (School Psychology SSP Program)


  • Minimum: Doctoral Degree in School Psychology. Licensure as a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) or equivalent credential in another state.
  • Preferred: Licensed Psychologist. Teaching experience at the college or graduate level. Program management, development, and supervision experience in schools.

Title: Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Practice 

Appointment Term: Negotiable. 

Evaluation: Non-tenure track faculty who comply with the faculty annual review process will be evaluated annually for promotion and merit salary increases. 

The Department Chair consults with program faculty to establish a committee to review the performance of the training director and/or (if the director is stepping down) select a new training director. The review committee should include a minimum of three faculty and one student. Performance feedback will be solicited from faculty, students, and staff and will be coordinated by the review committee chair and/or the Administrative Manager. 



  1. Provides Administrative Oversight of the SSP program in Coordination with the Academic Area Director
    1. Coordinates with the Academic Area Director recruitment, admissions, and fellowships for the SSP program
    2. Coordinates with the Academic Area Director graduate student progress and timely review
  2. Oversees Practicum and Internship Training 
    1. Identifies appropriate practicum and internship placements 
      1. Ensures supervised experiences are consistent with the APA accreditation standards and NASP standards
      2. Monitors student progress and maintains communication with practicum and internship site supervisors
      3. Collects data on site relevant to student training (i.e., indicators of quality training, availability of supervisors, types of training provided, etc.) 
    2. Coordinates practicum assignment process
    3. Facilitates student attainment of internship placement
    4. Collects and maintains records relevant to practicum and internship training (i.e., agreement forms, annual review of students, student reviews of sites, etc.)
    5. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained. 
    6. Participates in annual review of students
  3. Oversees Post-Graduate Licensure/Certification
    1. Ensures that procedures and policies regarding student academic progress are followed and that accurate records are maintained.
    2. Completes requested recommendations and confirmation of competence from relevant post-graduation employers and credentialing bodies.
  4. Provides leadership on curriculum issues related to SSP training
    1. Initiates changes to the program curriculum as needed to maintain excellence
    2. Ensures that curriculum meets regional and national standards 
  5. Communication 
    1. Participates in program faculty meetings
    2. Communicates with Department Chair about clinical training needs and resources
    3. Communicates with program faculty and students about relevant national, regional changes in clinical training
    4. Provide updated content for program website as needed
  6. Documentation
    1. Compiles and maintains student records for the SSP program
    2. If relevant, assumes leadership of NASP approval or APA accreditation for the SSP program
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