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This list contains previously approved coursework to meet requirements of the BME programs of work. This list is not exhaustive. If you are interested in courses not on this list, send a request to the Graduate Advisor ( and include the course number, name, and the requirement for which you want to use the course. Students must gain prior approval before enrolling in courses not on this list, with a few exceptions:

  • Any graduate level course with the BIO prefix can count toward the biological and clinical sciences requirement.  
  • Any graduate level course with the M or SDS prefix can count toward the math and statistics requirement.

Biological and Clinical Sciences

These courses will satisfy the biological and clinical sciences requirement and technical elective requirements. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
BCH369Fundamentals of Biochemistry
BCH387DPhysical Methods in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BCH394Structure and Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
BCH395GStructure and Function of Proteins and Membranes
BIO383Current Topics in Cell Biology
BIO383Topics in Membrane Biology
BIO381KCellular and Molecular Basis of Neuro Development
BIO382KBiology for Big Data Scientists
BIO382KCell Membrane Trafficking
BIO383KMembrane Trafficking in Eukaryotic Cells
BIO383KTopics in Membrane Biology
BIO384KPhylogenetic Perspectives
BIO394MTumor Biology
BIO391PAdvanced Virology
BIO394MAdvanced Immunology
BIO395HCell Biology
BIO395JMolecular Biology
BIO395JGenes/Genome/Gene Expression
BME382JBiological Membranes and Cell Interfaces: Principles and Applications
BME385JClinical Cardiology
CH391Macromolecular Chemistry
CHE384Quantitative Analysis of Cell and Molecular Biology
CHM394Structure and Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
CH395Cell Biology
CSE397Pathology and Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
GS071113Microbial Physiology
KIN395Advanced Exercise Physiology
KIN395Cardiovascular Responses and Adaptations to Exercise
KIN395Human Cardiovascular/Autonomic Physiology
ME391Cardiovascular Pathology
ME397Clinical Cardiology
ME397Pathology and Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
NEU380GVisual Neuroscience
NEU381NBasic Processes of Nerve Cells
NEU382Cellular Neuroscience
NEU383CFunctional Neuroanatomy
NEU385LAddiction Neuroscience
NEU385LIon Channels
NEU385LNeurobiology of Disease
NEU382TPrinciples of Neuroscience
NEU386DMultivariate Pattern Analysis
NEU394PIntroduction to Sensory-Motor Systems
NEU394PNeurobiology of Learning and Memory
NEU394PCurrent Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience
NTR390Molecular Nutritional Sciences
PGS380FBiomedical Pharmacology
PGS384LBiochemistry and Molecular Toxicology
PGS388CEnzyme Catalysts, Mechanisms and Applications
PGS388KMolecular Mechanisms and Methods in Nutrition and Cancer
PHR391Advanced Pharmaceutics
PHY382PBiophysics & Biological Physics
PSY387SPrinciples of Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY380EVision Systems
PSY394UIntroduction to Sensory Motor Systems
SLH391QAnatomy & Physiology of the Auditory System

Math and Statistics

These courses will satisfy the math and statistics requirement and technical elective requirements. Any graduate level Math (M) or Statistics (SDS) course will fulfill this requirement. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
ASE380PAnalytical Methods
BME383Mathematical Modeling
BME380J5-Biostatistics, Study Design, and Research Methods
BME383JIntroduction to Mathematical and Physical Biology
CH382LAdvanced Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics
CS384RGeometric Bio-Modeling and Visualization
CS395TComputational Statistics with Application to Bioinformatics
CSE383KNumerical Analysis: Linear Algebra
CSE384KTheory of Probability
CSE386LMathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
CSE389CIntroduction to Math Modeling in Science and Engineering
CSE389DMathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering II
CSE393FFinite Element Methods
CSE393HAdvanced Finite Element Theory
CSE397Introduction to Mathematical and Physical Biology
CSE397Validation and UQ in Computational Modeling
CSE397Computational Variational Methods for Inverse Problems
EDP380EFundamentals of Statistics
EDP482KExperimental Design and Statistical Inference
EE380LData Mining
EE381JProbability and Stochastic Process
EM388Solid Mechanics I
EM384KContinuum Mechanics
GEO384MInverse Theory
M384CMathematical Statistics I
M392CLie Groups
M392CDynamical Systems
SDS380CStatistical Methods I
SDS380DStatistical Methods II
SDS383CStatistical Modeling I
SDS384Mathematical Statistics
SDS384Bayesian Statistics
SDS3844-Regression Analysis
SDS3846-Design and Analysis of Experiments
SDS385Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
SDS385Applied Regression
SDS385Statistical Models for Big Data
SDS386DMonte Carlo Methods
SDS392Introduction to Scientific Programming
STA38010-Mathematical Statistics for Applications

Track 1: Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation

These courses will satisfy the Track 1 technical requirement and technical elective requirements. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
BME381J3-Biomedical Imaging: Signals and Systems
BME381J8-Functional Imaging Laboratory
BME381JElectrophysiology Frontiers
BME381J9-Fundamental Biomedical Optical Imaging
BME381J11-Medical Imaging
BME381J12-Optical Imaging
BME381JRehabilitation Engineering
BME384J1-Biomedical Instrumentation
BME384J5-Projects in Biomedical Engineering
BME385JBiomedical Micro and Nanotechnology
BME381J10-Optics and Lasers
BME381J13-Fluorescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy
BME384JIntroduction to Neural Engineering
EE381KDigital Video
EE371R/QDigital Image Processing
EE381KDigital Signal Processing
EE381VGenomic Signal Processing
ECE385JBrain Computer Interaction
PSY/NEU386DMultivariate Pattern Analysis of Neuroimaging Data
PSY394UMethods for fMRI

Track 2: Cell and Biomolecular Engineering

These courses will satisfy the Track 2 technical requirement and technical elective requirements. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
BME380J4-Fields, Forces and Flows
BME382J1-Cell and Tissue Engineering
BME382J3-Molecular Sensors and Nanodevices for BME Applications
BME382J4-Advanced Engineering Biomaterials
BME382J5-Structured Surfaces, Fabrication, Characterization and Application
BME382J6-Biopolymers and Drug/Gene Delivery
BME382J7-Cell and Molecular Biomechanics
BME382J8-Molecular Biophysics: Measurements and Methods
BME382J9-Biomimetic Design and Engineering
BME382J10-Immune Engineering
BME382JPolymer and Bioconjugate Chemistry
BME382JBiological Responses to Medical Devices
BME382JDelivery of Therapeutic Agents
BME383JModeling Biological Signal and Regulatory Systems
BME385J7-Tissue/Cells with Biomechanical Applications
BME385JCancer Bioengineering
BME385JTissue Microenvironments
BME385JGrowth and Remodeling of Tissue Systems

Systems Immunology: Health and Disease

CHE384TNanomaterials Chemistry and Engineering

Track 3: Computational Biomedical Engineering

These courses will satisfy the Track 3 technical requirement and technical elective requirements. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
BME383J5-Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems
BME383J9-Computational Methods for Biomedical Engineers I
BME383J10-Computational Methods for Biomedical Engineers II
BME383JAnalysis of Biological Systems
BME383JComputational Biomolecular Engineering
BME383JData Mining
BME383JIntroduction to Computational Oncology
BME383JIntroduction to Mathematical and Physical Biology
BME385JComputational Modeling in Bioengineering and Medicine
BME385JMedical Decision Making
CS388Natural Language Processing
CS391LMachine Learning
CS395TFoundations of Predictive Machine Learning
CSE380Tools and Techniques for Computational Science
CSE397Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging
ECE381VComputer Vision
SDS385Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Track 4: Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics

These courses will satisfy the Track 4 technical requirement and technical elective requirements. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
BME381JRehabilitation Engineering
BME382J9-Biomimetic Design and Engineering
BME383J2-Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
BME383J4-Biomechanics of Human Movement
BME384J4-Bioelectric Phenomena
BME385JModeling/Simulating Cardiac Function
BME382JCell and Molecular Biomechanics
BME382J8-Molecular Biophysics: Measurements and Methods
BME385J7-Tissue/Cell Biomechanical Applications
BME385JThin Film Mechanics
BME385JTissue/Scaffold Biomechanics
BME385JSoft Tissue Biomechanics
BME385JClinical Cardiology
BME385JGrowth and Remodeling of Tissue Systems
EM384KContinuum Mechanics

Technical Electives

These courses will satisfy satisfy the technical elective requirements only. They will not count toward any of the Track 1-4 technical requirements. 

Students are allowed to substitute one professional development (PD) elective for one technical elective. 

Dept.Num.Course Name
ASE382QFundamentals of Incompressible Flow
BGS380Health Law: A New Approach (PD)
BIO382KInformatics/Data Analysis for Life Sciences
BIO384KPython Programming for Biology
BME385JMedical Device Design and Manufacturing
BME385JInquiry-Based Instruction Design
BME385JImaging Clinical Immersion
CE397Environmental Implications of Nanomaterials
CHE392Polymer Science
CHE392PIntroduction to Polymer Materials Science
CHE384PEntrepreneurship (PD)
CHE386KX-Ray Diff Theory
CS386LProgramming Languages
CS394DDeep Learning
CS395TScalable Machine Learning
CS395TPhysical Simulation
CS395TIntroduction to Cognitive Science
EE382NComputer Architecture
KIN386Qualitative Research Methods
ME387RPractical Electron Microscopy
ME390NHealth Physical Laboratory
ME395The Enterprise of Technology (PD)
MIS381NUser Generated Content Analytics
PGS381GAdvanced Manufacturing Pharmacology
PGS380MAdvanced Pharmaceutics Experimental Design
PGS382VPharmaceutical Biotechnology
PGS384KFundamentals of Toxicology
PSY381DBrain Connectivity
TXA395Body Scanning and Virtual Clothing
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