The order of administration of these two sets of stimuli will be pseudorandomized so that half of all participants with each PPA variant are administered the first set in their L1, and the other half in their L2. Administration of both sets will occur one week apart. Additionally, three identical tasks (QAB Important event discourse task, procedural discourse task Brushing teeth and Picnic scene) will also be administered in both languages. (grant p.6, updated 20240406)
Task administration by timepoint:
SET 1 | SET 2 | TIMEPOINT | ||||||||||
Pre | Obs1 | Mid | Post | 6m | 12m | Obs2 | ||||||
CatRescue - Picture Story Description | BirthdayParty – Picture Story Description | |||||||||||
ImportantEvent – QAB Discourse (S3) | ||||||||||||
Sunday - Personal Narrative | Home – Personal Narrative | |||||||||||
Brushing teeth - Procedural Discourse (S3) | ||||||||||||
CatRescue - Recall | BirthdayPartyRecall - Recall | |||||||||||
MAINDog – Story Generation | MAINCat - Story Generation | |||||||||||
Frog, Where are you? - Wordless Picture Book Story Narration | One Frog Too Many - Wordless Picture Book Story Narration | |||||||||||
PicnicScene – Picture Description (S3) | ||||||||||||
Bridge Video | Kindness Video | |||||||||||
Grandma (always in Spanish) - Picture Story Description | ||||||||||||
MAINGoat (always in Spanish) - Story Generation | ||||||||||||
Grandpa (always in Catalan)- Picture Story Description | ||||||||||||
MAINBird (always in Catalan) - Story Generation |
There are different timepoints depending on the branch of the study (Clinical Trial, Therapy) or Observational Study.
- The administration instructions can be found the Redcap BACC instruments:
Connected Speech S1 And S3 Span
Connected Speech S1 And S3 Cat
Connected Speech S2 And S3 Span
Connected Speech S2 and S3 Cat
The stimuli can be found here in Box: Connected Speech and SpeechFTLD stimuli
After a CS session please remember to fill out the Redcap instrument adding the order of administration by changing the numbers in the comment boxes of each task and adding the dates (do not do this during the session because it interferes with the audio recording).
EXCEPTIONS of administration (applicable to all branches of the study (R01 clinical trial, R01 Obs, evaluación básica, etc.,) :
Administration exceptions for Severe Patients
When patients have a more severe difficulties and it's probable that they will not be able to complete all the CS tasks, please priorize the Post-treatment CS tasks.
- Administer those in the predetermined order (shown in the scheme above and in the CS Redcap instrument)
After completing the CS Post-tx tasks take a small break and if the patient and if the patient isn't showing any moderate-severe signs of stress, tiredness continue with the administration of the CS tasks following the predetermined order of the battery (shown in the scheme above and in the CS Redcap instrument)
After a CS session please remember to fill out the Redcap instrument marking a variation in the order of the task administration and adding the order of administration by changing the numbers in the comment boxes.
Administration exceptions because of time contraint
Please make sure to plan the sessions ahead so there's enough time to administer the CS battery in complete (45 min moderate patients, 1h severe patients. Please read next page "preparation before CS sessions" to avoid this situation happening when possible.
Please priorize the Post-treatment CS tasks.
- Administer those in the predetermined order (shown in the scheme above and in the CS Redcap instrument)
After completing the CS Post-tx tasks take a small break and if there's still time continue with the administration of the CS tasks following the predetermined order of the battery (shown in the scheme above and in the CS Redcap instrument).
After a CS session please remember to fill out the Redcap instrument marking a variation in the order of the task administration and adding the order of administration by changing the numbers in the comment boxes.