Emergency Preparedness/Planning
Presenter: Richards, Robin N
Other Attendees: Kayla Ford Chacon-Posey, Adrianne Y Kimberly Gray, Katie Beth Willis, Mary Kemp, Julie Lekstutis, Hay, Leslie P Myra Gibbs
Discussion Notes
- See Box link for more handouts and resources:
- Prepare with Pedro coloring/activity book from FEMA
- Risk = likelihood x impact
- Biggest risk to campus: weather! If you hear thunder, go inside!
- On campus tips:
- If emergency, call 911 every time. If you are not sure, you should call!
- Safety Hubs in most buildings with general purpose classrooms (AED and bleed control kit)
- Dell Medical School does bleed control training for staff.
- Don't be afraid of the AED. It is very smart and will determine whether a shock is needed or not and will only administer shock IF needed.
- Tips for kids:
- Create a song for your address/names/phone numbers to help kids remember it
- Communicate always that the adults have a plan and reassure them that the adults know what to do and are doing the right thing
- How to ensure that children feel safe when first responders show up:
- expose them to helpers and to them in their gear
- National Night Out:
- UT football game (over 200 officers working) and will wear the SWAT gear
- Visit the fire station
- Connect it to people you know (if you know a fire fighter/police officer)
- Balance trusting people but also ensuring they are actual helpers
- expose them to helpers and to them in their gear
Action items