Old Full Startup Procedures
Old Full Startup Procedures
Complete startup procedure
This procedure should only be completed by IGRINS instrument team members or properly trained observatory staff.
- Cryostat Preparation
- Seal cryostat cover with red vacuum valve open
- Attach vacuum pump and begin rough pumping
- Turn on turbo pump when the pressure is <5 torr
- Attach cold head helium supply/return lines and power cable
- Attach cooling water lines to compressor
- Turn on water chiller and wait for cold water to begin flowing through cooling lines to compressor
- Turn on electronics box main power
- If the top control panel is on, turn it off until the instrument is mounted to the telescope.
- Attach pressure sensor cable to pressure sensor on cryostat.
- Plug in the appropriate USB cable and a black power cord into the three blue JADE2 boxes
- Attach temperature sensor/heater cables to cryostat (three identical circular connectors labeled A, B, and C)
- Turn on Lakeshore temperature controllers and set heaters to appropriate temperatures:
- Set Loop to loop #1(channel A), wait for confirmation.
- Set the ‘Setpoint’ temperature and press ‘Enter.’
- Set ‘Heater Range’ to medium power and press ‘Enter.’
- Repeat for loop #2 and Inputs D2 (120K) and D3 (65K).
- Three Detectors: H-65K, K-67K, S- not controlled
- Immersion Grating: 130K for operation.
- Bench: Difficult to control - requires fiddling. See link above.
- Wait for internal pressure to reach 1e-2 torr or lower (to prevent ice formation on cold surfaces), which takes ~24 hours.
- Activate compressor by turning on both white-then-yellow switches.
- Remove the vacuum pump when the pressure is below 1e-6 torr.
- Attach Calibration Unit
- Remove entrance window cover
- Mount calibration unit
- In lab mount to cryostat with bent ribs and straight ribs
- On telescope mount to cryostat with bent ribs and 8 bolts through the calibration unit into the front of the cryostat
- Attach power/communication cables
- Three Ethernet motor controllers
- Two locking power cables
- One locking circular connector
- IGRINS Install procedure (performed by McDonald Staff)
- Turn off the He compressor by flipping the yellow-then-white switches to the off position.
- After ensuring that the JADE2 cards have been powered down via software power off the electronics rack at the power strip located inside the cabinet and then unplug the power cable.
- Disconnect the He lines from IGRINS and cover the ends of the lines with dust caps.
- Pull the excess He line up from the compressor room and untwist them before reattaching to IGRINS on the telescope.
- Remove the power and ethernet connections from each JADE2 card.
- Remove all electrical connections from the calibration unit and cryostat.
- Three Ethernet motor controllers
- Two locking power cables
- One locking circular connector
- With the calibration box slide closed, use a can of air to clear any larger debris from the top surfaces of the instrument.
- Mount IGRINS to the telescope:
- Roll the IGRINS cart under the telescope and raise it until the mount can be fastened to the telescope.
- Check the rotation on the encoder (home is at 393) and set the rotation locking bolt.
- Remove the cart at the IGRINS/cart interface, leaving the black mounting brackets attached to the cart.
- Attach the electronics cabinet to IGRINS while ensuring that there are not trapped cables.
- Reattach all the cables between the electronics cabinet and IGRINS.
- Run the He lines around the telescope to provide tension-relief and then attach the He lines to IGRINS. Avoid tangled cables and bungie the cable baskets to the instrument mount.
- Connect the fiberoptic cable from IGRINS to the patch box above the power outlets. On IGRINS, the fiber optic cables should have 'A' on the left and 'B' n the right. IGRINS uses the two upper left ports in the patch box - the 'A' cable goes on top and 'B' goes on the bottom.
- Plug IGRINS power cables to the UPS outlet. This should initialize the electronics cabinet - including the server rack, the lake shores and the pressure gauge. If all these things are not on, and you didn't hear a beep when the plug was connected, check the switch on the power strip on the back of the electronics cabinet. Also, IGRINS needs to be plugged into the upper outlet on the dome floor - the bottom outlet seems to not power the entire rack for some reason.
- Use the power buttons marked ThAr, TH, and UNe to turn off the calibration lamps.
- Do not initialize the detector computers yet. If they started on their own, then hold down the power button for 5 seconds to force them back off. Only start the detectors after verifying the fiber optic connection in the steps below.
- Cleanup the cabling to avoid snagging while observing.
- Check the Lakeshore units for the correct temperatures and heater ranges.
- Check the instrument rotation and temperatures regularly.
- Computer Software Startup
- Turn on DSC and ICC Mac computers - if they are already on then restart them before the observing run starts to get the socket connections fixed.
- Switch the fiber optic cables from "IGRINS 6th floor" to "IGRINS" in the patch box next to the ICC. The 'A' cable goes on the top and the 'B' cable goes on the bottom.
- Log into ICC with “igrins” account
- Open a terminal window and type “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- Run "python tmp350.py" to check that the network connection is correct.
- If it stars to display 'Periodic Heater Range Check and Adjustment' then the network is correct.
- If it displays nothing, and appears to be frozen, then control-C out of the script and swap the fiber optic cables in the patch box next to the ICC. The 'A' cable goes on the top and the 'B' cable goes on the bottom.
- You can now startup all the software. Start by running:
- “bash mntrun” (mounts remote directories)
- “python tmp350.py” (starts temperature controller monitoring)
- Shrink this window
- In a new terminal, home the calibration unit motors by running “python ~/igrins_admin/mtini.py” and follow its directions to home the motors.
- Under normal use, select "0" to initialize all the motors then "5" to exit.
- However, if the Lower Translator fails to home, then you need to home the motors individually.
- Select "2" to initialize the Upper Translator.
- Select "3" to initialize the Mirror Selector.
- Select "1" to initialize the Lower Translator - if it gets stuck with the same value then cntrl-C out of the script.
- If the step value is within 70 of the target (4000) then it is close enough.
- If it is further than 70 steps from the target, then contact IGRINS team members because Calibration Mode will fail.
- Start the Teledyne detector software
- Open three Remote Desktop Sessions to detector computers. Password is the same as all other IGRINS systems and no domain is required to login.
- SVC:
- H:
- K:
- Run the following on each of these three computers to get the detectors fully functional:
- Login with the “Administrator” account
- Upon login, an IDL Virtual Machine Window will open, ignore this for now
- Close the 'Initial Configuration Tasks" window
- Once Windows is running, double-click on the “HAL Server” icon on the Desktop
- When the new window (“HalServiceApp”) opens click the green “Start” button, then shrink this window
- Go back to the IDL Virtual Machine Window and click “Continue” (if this did not come up, double click on the “HXRG” icon on the desktop)
- Press the “INITIALIZE” button at the top left of the window
- In the pop-up window, check the “Download Jade2 Firmware (.bin file)” box. “Download Jade2 Register Database (.xml file)” should already be checked.
- Wait about 20 seconds for Jade card to initialize
- Ensure that the “ASIC Main Power” box is checked (top left panel of HXRG Testing Software)
- In the middle left panel (DETECTOR CONFIGURATION) set the “# of Detector Outputs” to 32.
- In the top left panel press the “SET CONFIG PARAMETERS” button.
- In the middle center panel select “Fowler Sampling”
- In the top right panel press the “ACQUIRE” button and take a test image. If it looks normal, then close the test image and you are ready to take data.
- Close the three Remote Desktop Connections and choose the 'Disconnect' option. This will not close the connections, just the remote desktop.
- Open three Remote Desktop Sessions to detector computers. Password is the same as all other IGRINS systems and no domain is required to login.
- IGRINS Control Software
- Open a new terminal window.
- Type “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- Type "sudo python ibunny.py" to run the real-time file transfer software and type "YYYYMMDD". It will copy H & K band data to /PRDATA/YYYYMMDD on DSC, not the SVC images.
- If you don't want to use iBunny, follow the steps below.
- cd /IGRINS/Config
- cp -i ./IGRINS.ini.nobunny ./IGRINS.ini
- If iBunny was disabled and you want to reinstate it:
- cp -i ./IGRINS.ini.bunny ./IGRINS.ini
- cp -i ./IGRINS.ini.bunny ./IGRINS.ini
- Open a new terminal window.
- Type “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- Type “sudo bash icsrun” to open the IGRINS operating software. If the IGRINS control software has been updated, then edit icsrun to point at current version.
- You must restart ibunny.py every time you exit and restart icsrun - if you fail to do this the DTP will state that the H and K detectors are disconnected.
- Type “cd ~/igrins_admin”
- In HKP, press “Periodic Monitoring” to begin temperature and pressure logging
- Setup SVC image save directory in the SCP
- If you want all SVC images to be saved, check the “Automatically Save” box
- Type the Path where data should be saved. Typically this is in the format “/IGRINS/obsdata/YYYYMMDD” for the current UT date
- Press the “Path” button to save the path information
- The file name should start with “SDCS,” include the correct UT date, and start with “0001”
- Setup the Data image save directory in the DTP
- Check the “Automatically Save” box (you don’t want to lose any data!)
- Set the Path where data should be saved. Typically this is in the format “/IGRINS/obsdata/YYYYMMDD” for the current UT date
- Press the “Path” button to save the path information
- The file name should start with “SDCS,” include the correct UT date, and start with “0001”
- Take test images with all three detectors to ensure that communication is working and that images look okay.
- Open a new terminal window.
- Startup Procedure is Complete.
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