List of IGRINS Cables
List of IGRINS Cables
- Coldhead
- Helium Supply
- Helium Return
- Power Cable
- Electronic Cabinet Power
- White cable to power strip at the bottom of the rack
- Black cable attaches into the back of the Eaton box
- Lakeshore Connectors
- Black bundle attaches to A, B, C ports - we recommend this isn't ever disconnected since there are so many connections to make to the Lakeshores
- Detectors - JADE2 cards housed in blue boxes
- USB to HP computers - labeled on the computer
- Black power cables from JADE2 DC Output
- Vacuum gauge
- Power cable
- Calibration Unit
- 3 DC power cables
- 3 ethernet cables
- 1 short power cable to the flat lamp
- Computers
- Fiber optic cable from electronics cabinet to HP switch in control room
- ethernet from ICC to switch
- ethernet from DSC to switch
- ethernet from DSC to network
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