Operating System Hardening Checklists
The hardening checklists are based on the comprehensive checklists produced by The Center for Internet Security (CIS). The Information Security Office has distilled the CIS lists down to the most critical steps for your systems, with a particular focus on configuration issues that are unique to the computing environment at The University of Texas at Austin.
How to use the checklists
Print the checklist and check off each item you complete to ensure that you cover the critical steps for securing your server. The Information Security Office uses this checklist during risk assessments as part of the process to verify that servers are secure.
How to read the checklists
Step - The step number in the procedure. If there is a UT Note for this step, the note number corresponds to the step number.
Check (√) - This is for administrators to check off when she/he completes this portion.
To Do - Basic instructions on what to do to harden the respective system
CIS - Reference number in the The Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks. The CIS documents outline in much greater detail how to complete each step.
UT Note - The notes at the bottom of the pages provide additional detail about the step for the university computing environment.
Cat I - For systems that include category I data, required steps are denoted with the ! symbol. All steps are recommended.
Cat II/III - For systems that include category II or III data, all steps are recommended, and some are required (denoted by the !).
Min Std - This column links to the specific requirements for the university in the Minimum Security Standards for Systems document.
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