



Please note:

Setting Up a New Profile (Windows 7/10 and Mac OSX)
 Have You Verified Your Migration via OWA?

If you have NOT, we recommend doing that first - (Outlook Web Access)

Otherwise, please continue...

 Profiles: FAQ
 What is an Email Profile?

E-mail profiles are what Outlook (or other client) uses to remember which e-mail accounts you use and where the data for each account is stored. Each profile provides Outlook with the following information:

    • What account information to use: This information includes the user name, display name, e-mail server name, and Internet service provider (ISP) account password.

    • Where the e-mail data is delivered and stored: In Outlook, data is delivered and stored either on the e-mail server or a in .pst file on your computer. This data includes rules, messages, contacts, calendars, notes, tasks, journals, Search Folders, and other settings.

Outlook e-mail profiles are stored in the Windows registry. When Outlook starts, it retrieves the profile information from the registry.

 Can You Have More Than One Profile?

Yes. You can have multiple Outlook Profiles. However, you can NOT toggle between profiles while Outlook is running.

Change Profiles: Exit Outlook, and then select the appropriate profile when you restart Outlook.

 Are You Still Logging Into Your Computer with Your McCombs Account and Password?

If you are still logging into your computer with your McCombs account, please follow the provided steps in previous email communication regarding EID Migration or contact the SWAT Desk at techsupport@mccombs.utexas.edu to schedule a time if you need assistance.

 Do NOT Add an Account to an Existing Profile
  • It is CRITICAL that you create a NEW Profile.

  • Do NOT add an account to an existing Profile - This will not work for the Migration.
 Do NOT Delete Your Old Profile

We adamantly RECOMMEND that you do NOT delete your old Profile.

 Be Connected to Campus Network

We recommend this process to be followed while connected to the campus network (wired, wireless, or VPN).

 Be Patient

Please note: It may take a few minutes for the client to retrieve your mail from the servers after your account has been set up through the Email Client.

Configure: Windows 7/10
 Outlook 2016

There are two ways to get to the Mail settings program to add your new email profile. We have pushed out a shortcut to it. The manual navigation steps are also below in case the shortcut didn't deploy to your computer.

 Shortcut Method
  1. Exit Outlook completely.
  2. Click Windows Start button (bottom left of screen) and follow steps below for your OS version.
    • For Windows 7, click on All Programs. At the top of this list will be "_Setup_Outlook_Profile". Click it to open the Mail settings program. 
    • For Windows 10, "_Setup_Outlook_Profile" will be at the top of the Programs list in the Start Menu. Click it to open the Mail settings program.
  3. If you do not see "_Setup_Outlook_Proifle", please proceed to Step 2 under Manual Navigation Method (below).

  4. A new dialogue box will open. If you are logging into the computer with your EID, your information should auto populate. If it does not, type in you McCombs email address (firstname.lastname@mccombs.utexas.edu) in the provided blank and nothing else.
  5. Click Next and it will begin to search for your account. This may take a few minutes.
  6. A small log-in window may appear with your McCombs email address pre-filled as the username. Enter your EID password for the password.
    • Some people may not see the log-in window and instead the account will setup successfully on its own (the setup tries to use the credentials you logged into the computer with).
  7. You should see three green check marks if it successfully configured the account. Click Finish to go back to the Mail profile settings.
  8. Under "When starting Microsoft Outlook, use this profile", select Prompt for a profile to be used. Drop down the menu options and select the EID profile you just created.

  9. Click OK. Open Outlook and it will begin the process to setup the new mailbox. This may take a few minutes.
    • If this process goes over 10 minutes, close the small Outlook launch window (top right X). Reopen Outlook again.
  10. Outlook should fully open and start syncing your mailbox with the Exchange server. This will take some time and can take up to a couple of hours for large, complex mailboxes. 
    • Outlook will need to remain open to continue this sync process. If near the end of the day, keep Outlook open and don't log off, sleep or shut down, just lock your workstation (Windows key + L). If you do close Outlook, it will resume syncing on next launch.
    • If you aren't seeing all of your e-mail, click here and follow the steps to adjust how much email is cached to the computer (instead of Outlook needing network access and to be told to retrieve older email). By default, Cached Exchange Mode is turned on and set to 12 months. If it is not, put a check mark next to it and change the slider to ALL. 
  11. Congratulations! You have configured a new mail account. Please let it fully sync (status at the bottom of Outlook) and make sure it all looks good. Check calendar and contacts as well. Follow the steps provided on the Wiki for rules and additional mailboxes.
 Manual Navigation Method
  1. Exit Outlook completely
  2. Click Windows Start button and type in "Control Panel" in the Search Bar (at the 'magnifying glass icon'). 
  3. Click on Control Panel in the Start Menu search results to open it.
  4. In the top right corner of the Control Panel window, you will see a search bar ('magnifying glass icon'). Type in "Mail" and when your search results display in the window, click on on Mail (32-bit).
  5. A small 'Mail Setup' window will open. Click on Show Profiles>Add (You should see at least one profile in the list if you already have email setup in Outlook - for most of you the default profile is named 'Outlook').

  6. A new dialogue box will open. If you are logging into the computer with your EID and EID Password, your information should auto populate. If it does not:
    • At 'Your Name' type in: "EID" as the new Profile name
    • Type in firstname.lastname@mccombs.utexas.edu in the provided blank and nothing else.
    • At 'Password' enter your EID password.
    • At 'Retype Password' enter your EID password again and then click Next
  7. This process could take a few minutes while it's searching for you email settings.
  8. A new dialogue box may open. Your firstname.lastname@mccombs.utexas.edu will populate the top box. Re-enter your EID Password immediately below it.
  9. Select the 'Remember my credentials' check box and the click OK
  10. Another dialogue box may open, asking to "Allow this website to configure @mccombs.utexas.edu server settings". Click Allow.
  11. You should see three green check marks if it successfully configured the account.
  12. Under "When starting Microsoft Outlook, use this profile", select "Prompt for a profile to be used". Click OK.

  13. Open Outlook and it will begin the process to setup the new mailbox. This may take a few minutes.
    • If this process goes over 10 minutes, close the small Outlook launch window (top right X). Reopen Outlook again.

  14. Outlook should fully open and start syncing your mailbox with the Exchange server. This will take some time and can take up to a couple of hours for large, complex mailboxes. 
    • Outlook will need to remain open to continue this sync process. If near the end of the day, keep Outlook open and don't log off, sleep or shut down, just lock your workstation (Windows key + L). If you do close Outlook, it will resume syncing on next launch.
    • If you aren't seeing all of your e-mail, click here and follow the steps to adjust how much email is cached to the computer (instead of Outlook needing network access and to be told to retrieve older email). By default, Cached Exchange Mode is turned on and set to 12 months. If it is not, put a check mark next to it and change the slider to ALL. 

  15. Congratulations! You have configured your new mail account. Please let it fully sync (status at the bottom of Outlook) and make sure it all looks good. Check calendar and contacts as well. Follow the steps provided on the Wiki for rules and additional mailboxes.
  16. If "All folders are up to date" displays at the bottom of Outlook and you are missing email or other items, please contact Tech Support or 232-6616 for further assistance.
Configure: Mac OSX
 Outlook 2016 for Mac
  1. Exit Outlook completely.
  2. From Finder, open the Applications folder.
  3. Ctrl+click or right-click Microsoft Outlook, and then click Show Package Contents.
  4. Open Contents > SharedSupport, and then double-click Outlook Profile Manager.
  5. Click the Create a new profile '+' button, and then type a name for the new profile (EID).
  6. Click the profile that you want, click Set the default profile Action pop-up menu, and then click Set as Default. Restart Outlook for this change to take effect.
  7. Outlook will now appear empty until you add your Account so to do that, click Tools > Accounts...> + > Exchange...
  8. Type firstname.lastname@mccombs.utexas.edu into both the E-mail address and User name fields and enter your EID Password
  9. Click Always Allow to any messages that pop up regarding the server wanting to configure your account.








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