Internet Access
McCombs Internet Access
You can access the Internet three different ways when you are in the business school complex.
Access to the Public Network is restricted to the University students, faculty, staff, and sponsored guests through the Public Network Authentication System. Students, Faculty, and Staff use their UT EID to log in, or authenticate. Your UT EID must reflect that you are a current student, faculty, or staff member of the University.
Sponsored Guests (such as official visitors, conference attendees, lecturers, etc.) use Guest IDs provided by a host or sponsor to log in. For information on requesting guest accounts, see the last section of this article.
For more information about the UT Public Network, see
Computer Labs
You can access the Internet using a computer in one of our computer labs. You can also use your notebook computer in one of the labs and use a network port or wireless internet. For more information on the McCombs computer labs, go to the computer labs web site.
Network Ports
Network ports are available in the following locations:
- MOD Labs, CBA 5.304 & 5.325 - 80 ports
- Reliant Productivity Center, CBA 4.112A - 250 ports
- Cohort Rooms, GSB 3rd floor - 60 ports per room
- Atrium, CBA 3rd floor - 56 ports
- 5th floor Hallway, near CBA North - 2 ports
- 4th floor Hallway, near CBA North - 2 ports
Wireless Access
Wireless internet access is available in most of the business school complex, including the CBA, GSB and FAC buildings. Wireless access campus-wide is supported by ITS. If you have problems with your wireless connection on-campus, contact the SWAT Shop (CBA 1.328, (512) 232-6616) or the ITS Help Desk (FAC Lobby, (512) 475-9400). Read more about the wireless network.
For more information on wireless, visit the Wireless page.
Access For Visitors
Sponsored Guests (such as official visitors, conference attendees, lecturers, etc.) use Guest IDs provided by a host or sponsor to log in. This temporary user name and password combination enables you to connect to the Guest Network using your network-equipped laptop or PDA device.
Guests: If you are a guest at the University and need access to the Public Network, contact the conference coordinator or the department with which you will be working. Your sponsor can obtain a Guest ID for you.
Sponsors: If you want to sponsor a Guest ID for a visitor, contact Computer Services Service Desk or submit a support ticket at