Wireless Access
Wireless internet access is available in most of the business school complex, including the CBA, GSB and UTC buildings. Wireless access campus-wide is supported by ITS. If you have problems with your wireless connection on-campus, contact the SWAT Shop (CBA 1.328, (512) 232-6616). Students can also consult the ITS Help Desk (475-9400) or visit their offices in the FAC Lobby.
Read more about the wireless network.
Web based installer recommended
ITS recommends the web based installer for accessing the restricted wireless network on your computer. Access it at https://management.pna.utexas.edu/idengineswpa/index.html.
Manual Procedure
If you are unable to use the web based installer, use the instructions below.
To connect to the restricted.utexas network:
- Go to the Public Network login page.
- Log in with your UT-EID and password.
- Click the See all operating systems link.
- Find your operating system.
- Select the manual procedure and use the instructions on the following web page.
After your restart your computer, when you are on campus, a bubble will pop up in the lower right corner of your screen. Click this to log onto the restricted.utexas network. Your User name is your UT-EID and your Password is your EID password. Leave Logon Domain blank.
You must have administrative rights on your computer to complete the process. If you do not have administrative rights or if you are using a mobile device that dose not support 802.1x connections, you can complete an exemption request.
If you have any problems with restricted.utexas setup, contact the ITS Help Desk.
For information about configuring your iPhone to connect to the restricted wireless network, visit http://webdb.its.utexas.edu/iphone/.