Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is the database application of the Microsoft Office Suite. If you are interested in learning how to use Access, Microsoft provides several free interactive tutorials on its Office Online website. Because Access requires you to learn knowledge in a specific sequence (for example, you must learn about tables before queries), the recommended order for taking the online tutorials is given below.

Learning Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Office Online has provided its own Microsoft Access 2007 Training Roadmap. It is recommended to take the tutorials or watch the demos in the order in which they are given on the Roadmap.

Before Microsoft developed the Roadmap, we recommended you take the training tutorials in the order below.

  1. Up To Speed With Access 2007
  2. Choose Between Access And Excel
  3. Datasheets I: Create A Table By Entering Data
  4. Datasheets II: Sum, Sort, Filter, And Find Your Data
  5. Datasheets III: Make Data Easier To Read By Formatting Columns And Rows

Learning Microsoft Access 2003

Microsoft Office Online has provided its own Microsoft Access 2003 Training Roadmap. It is recommended to take the tutorials or watch the demos in the order in which they are given on the Roadmap.

Before Microsoft developed the Roadmap, we recommended you take the training tutorials in the order below.

  1. Get To Know Access
  2. Table That Data
  3. Queries I: Get Answers With Queries
  4. Queries II: Limit Your Results & Calculate Values
  5. Queries III: Create Parameter Queries That Prompt Users For Input
  6. Queries VI: Working With Complex Criteria
  7. Forms I: Create A Form To Enter And View Your Data
  8. Forms II: Use Subforms
  9. Combo Boxes, List Boxes And Other Controls
  10. Reports I: Show Off Your Data
  11. Work With A Database You Didn't Create