FCC Peer Advisor Appointment System
FCC Peer Advisor Appointment System
FCC Peer Advisor Appointment System is a career directory system used by advisors to help students with a multitude of career services.
Using the FCC Peer Advisor Appointment System allows us to:
- Require users to log in before being able to use online resources.
- Validate user accounts against the McCombs School of Business Server. Additionally uses UT-EID authentication.
- Allows a portal to search the Ford Career Center(FCC) job board.
- Help students with: general career advice, resume review, mock interviews, career letter review networking advice and thank you letter advice.
- Restricts access to an authorized subset of users (such as departmental students, faculty, and staff, alumni), either at all times or for a period of time.
- As Admin staff, it will allow you to Emulate users, search student data, view waitlist information, send mass emails to students and alumni.
- Log usage and other activity.
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