Removing Jitter or Shaking with VirtualDUB & Deshaker
Removing Jitter or Shaking with VirtualDUB & Deshaker
1. Open the VirtualDUB application from C:\Program Files (x86)\VirtualDub-1.9.11 (VirtualDub.exe)
With VirtualDUB open, follow this guide to stabilize a video clip:
- Open your video clip in VirtualDub (menu: File/Open video file).
- Add the Deshaker filter (menu: Video/Filters, click: Add, double-click: Deshaker).
- If the Deshaker filter is not listed, download the "
Deshaker 64-bit (for 64-bit VirtualDub on 64-bit Windows)" from: https://www.guthspot.se/video/deshaker.htm and load it manually.
- If the Deshaker filter is not listed, download the "
- In the Deshaker configuration dialog that appears, select the correct Source pixel aspect and Video type. Then, click OK to close.
- Make sure VirtualDub doesn't skip any frames during processing (uncheck menu: Options/Drop frames when behind).
- Step through the video in some way. One way is to use File/Preview filtered in VirtualDub, which lets you see all processed frames, but is limited to a processing speed equal to the clip's framerate. To ensure maximum processing speed at all times, use File/Run video analysis pass instead. No useful video is created during this first pass, so there's no need to save the output video.
- Open the Deshaker configuration dialog again (menu: Video/Filters, double-click: Deshaker line), and select Pass 2 by clicking on it.
- Encode the video the usual way (menu: File/Save as AVI)
See the VirtualDUB / Deshaker FAQ for more settings, variables and tricks.
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