Retention Schedule

Retention Schedule

Anything that can be classified as an official state (or university) record must eventually be documented as being destroyed or be transferred to the Texas State Archives or an archive approved by the Texas State Archives. The University Archives at the Briscoe Center is recognized by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for the purpose of final transfer of official University of Texas at Austin and UT System and UT Regents records. Some records with permanent retention requirements that have ongoing administrative functionality (such as student transcript records) must be kept indefinitely in the originating office. Otherwise it is better for records that have ongoing historical value to be transferred to the University Archives.

Elisa Salinas' capstone report: analysis and suggested retention schedule


Retention Schedule Draft:


Internal Retention Schedule for University Communications Digital Assets




AALL133 Keep all selected images that adequately follow the appraisal rubric* for 7+ years then send to the archives. These images are considered administratively valuable under Item 1.3.001 of the State of Texas Records Retention Schedule (UTRRS).


AALL133 Keep unselected but possibly usable images (see Duplicates in appraisal rubric) in a reserve space for one year, then disposed by the archives (recommended).


AALL083 Dispose of unusable images (deemed by the Digital Asset Manager, DAMS interns, and/or an art director) monthly (ideally, highly recommended).


All images will be reviewed by an archivist before final disposition.




AALL133 Keep all finished/produced videos up to 3+ years, in reserve storage for 5+ years, then send to the archives at 7+ years.


Keep raw footage up to one year except Commencement footage (University Communications will manage) and Explore UT footage (UT Events will manage) then dispose (recommended).


Dispose of all DV tapes, they are duplicated as digital files now (recommended).




AALL133 This transfer should reflect the best sampling of change over time


Assets will include: wordmarks, nomenclature, UT seal, Longhorn logo, typeface, signage, publication templates, and major campaign materials. The Digital Asset Manager can also include more materials for historical context such as trademarks and licensing information. 


The university archives may keep a copy of the above as soon as they are created or after the graphic has been retired after a period of 10 years.


The Digital Asset Manager will note the operating system, any software and software versions used to create or edit the digital assets during a transfer. The Digital Asset Manager will also send all metadata created and m5 checksums.




AALL133 Send Utexas.edu homepage design every 7+ years

University Communications creates and manages utexas.edu homepage, news, and events. These pages change weekly. Sampling? We may learn more ways to do this after the first purge for web archiving.


*Appraisal Rubric

  • Keep
    • A variety of images for different design placement
    • Images representative of the event OR generic enough to work for several projects
    • Images with enduring value as historic photographs
  • Do Not Keep
    • Blurry images
    • Images that are nearly completely black or washed out
    • Images with subjects' whose eyes are closed
    • Images with unwanted image distortion
  • To Be Determined
    • Duplicates
      • Images are duplicated for many different purposes. Headshot shoots have many similar poses, and photos are often duplicated at different qualities depending on their use (web-ready, high-resolution for editing, etc.). That being said, five or more duplicates of an image that have no discernible use should be considered for removal from Portfolio.  

After the photos are appraised, they can be sent to the Digital Asset Manager.