What is Portfolio?
Portfolio is a digital asset management system (DAMS) used by University Communications/Marketing and Creative Services to manage the digital content generated for marketing and communications.
Why doesn't Portfolio have any historical images?
Historical or archival images are managed by the archives on campus. For example, the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History manages UT's institutional history. They can be contacted here: http://www.cah.utexas.edu/
Portfolio's holdings are all records still in use by the creating department for their original purpose.
Can my department have its own "archives?"
Anything that can be classified as an official state (or university) record must eventually be documented as being destroyed or be transferred to the Texas State Archives or an archive approved by the Texas State Archives. The University Archives at the Briscoe Center is recognized by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for the purpose of final transfer of official University of Texas at Austin and UT System and UT Regents records. Some records with permanent retention requirements that have ongoing administrative functionality (such as student transcript records) must be kept indefinitely in the originating office. Otherwise it is better for records that have ongoing historical value to be transferred to the University Archives.
Can I use Portfolio to manage my department's marketing assets (images, video, audio, graphics, etc.)?
Yes. It is step-by-step process to make sure your assets are initially organized and searchable developed by myself and my interns. Please contact Rachel Appel (rappel@austin.utexas.edu) for more information. We will work with any digital disaster, big or small.
Why doesn't Portfolio have any UT Athletics images?
UT Athletics is separate from the university administratively and financially. UT Athletics has their own trademarks and copyright for all of their assets. This includes all sports, Bevo, longhorns, and anything athletics related. To request an athletics image please contact Jim Sigmon (jim.sigmon@austin.utexas.edu)
Are these images copyrighted?
Yes, all of the images in Portfolio are owned by the University of Texas at Austin. There is a rights field in the metadata or "tag" for each image which denotes this. If you work for UT, you can use any image available in the DAMS. Users external to UT have to fill out a request form.
How can I request an image or gain access to this DAMS?
Please contact Cathy Choi (cathychoi@austin.utexas.edu, 512-232-2324). Be as specific as possible with your request. To access Portfolio, an EID is required.
You can also request access by filling out these online forms:
Is there a cost to my college, school, or unit to gain access to Portfolio?
There is no cost to users on campus at this time.
Why is Portfolio running so slowly and why can't I find what I'm looking for?
Portfolio is a relatively new system. We are still testing out the best servers to store the content and ways to back up the assets efficiently without slowing down the system. My team tags as many images we can on a daily basis. If you need something and are on a deadline or have an issue with the DAMS, you can always contact me (Cathy Choi, cathychoi@austin.utexas.edu) with your request and we will do the searching. I apologize for any inconvenience you may experience.
If you have any other questions, feedback, concerns, etc. please feel free to contact me.
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