ZOHO Information
This section contains information regarding the ZOHO LIMS system we use at the GSAF.
The link to the ZOHO is: http://creator.zoho.com/sphsmith/gsaflims#
The Glossary contains information about commonly encountered terminology when using the GSAF LIMS system.
- User Accessible Forms and Reports - forms that are available for our clients to see and edit. These involve actions such as creating a new accoutn, submitting information for a new job, and viewing information on their sample processing such as QC Data.
- GSAF Staff: Create New.... - forms that are used to create new QC IDs for the various sample processing steps involved in sequencing. These involve QC steps such as BA, qPCR, etc., emPCR, and the actual sequencing run itself.
- GSAF Staff: Enter Data... - forms that are used for entering QC data.
- GSAF Staff: View... - pages used to view already-created forms (such as emPCRs, sample sets, bead lots, etc.)
- Rest of the stuff - billing, history, administrator stuff...will work on this later.
Index of Individual Pages
- Job/JA related:
- Sample related:
- [GSAF:Add or Edit Sample Data
- Sample Form View
- QC (not emPCR) related:
- Sample Set related:
- emPCR related:
- Bead lot related:
- Sequencing run related:
Typical Workflows
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