Differential expression with splice variant analysis aug2012
Differential expression with splice variant analysis at the same time: the Tuxedo pipeline
The Tuxedo Pipeline is a suite of tools for RNA-seq analysis, also known as the Tophat/Cufflinks workflow. It can be run in a variety of ways, optionally including de novo splice variant discovery. If an adequate set of splice variants is also available, it can also be run without splice variant detection to perform simple differential gene expression.
Useful RNA-seq resources are summarized on our Resources tool list, Transcriptome analaysis section. The most important of these resources for Tuxedo are:
- the original RNAseq analysis protocol using Tuxedo article in Nature Protocols, and
- the URL for Tuxedo resource bundles for selected organisms (gff annotations, pre-built bowtie references, etc.)
- the example data we'll use for this tutorial came from this experiment which has the raw fastq data in the SRA.
In this lab, you will explore a fairly typical RNA-seq analysis workflow using the Tuxedo pipeline. Simulated RNA-seq data will be provided to you; the data contains 75 bp paired-end reads that have been generated in silico to replicate real gene count data from Drosophila. The data simulates two biological groups with three biological replicates per group (6 samples total). This simulated data has already been run through a basic RNA-seq analysis workflow. We will look at:
- How the workflow was run and what steps are involved.
- What genes and isoforms are significantly differentially expressed
Overall Workflow Diagram
This overview of tophat cufflinks workflow Diagram outlines the Tuxedo pipeline. We have annotated the image from the original paper to include the important file types at each stage, and to note the steps skippin in the "fast path" (no de novo junction assembly).
This is the full workflow that includes de novo splice variant detection. For simple differential gene expression, Steps 2 (cufflinks) and 3-4 (cuffmerge) can be omitted.
Tuxedo data requirements
What is required for this pipeline?
- One or more datasets (best with at least two biological replicates and at least two conditions) in fastq format
- A reference genome, indexed for the Bowtie or Bowtie2 aligner (see this Tophat Resource Bundles page)
- Optionally, a set of known splice variants in the form of a GTF (gene transfer format) or GFF (gene feature format) file. These are also packaged as part of the resource bundles.
Paths through the Tuxedo workflow
There are three major paths through this workflow:
- Simple differential gene expression analysis against a set of known splice variants.
- A GTF/GFF file is provided, and you specify that no novel junctions should be explored
- This is by far the fastest path through the workflow.
- Same as 1), but novel splice junctions should be explored in addition to known splice junctions
- A GTF/GFF file is provided, and you let the tool search for novel junctions also
- Use the input data to construct de novo splice junctions without reference to any known splice junctions
- No GTF/GFF is provided
What tophat does
The 1st, Tophat step is always required and sets the stage for all that follows. Tophat does a transcriptome-aware alignment of the input sequences to a reference genome using either the Bowtie or Bowtie2 aligner (in theory it can use other aligners, but we do not recommend this).
Split Read Alignment (Splice Finding)
To do this, Tophat goes through several steps:
- The input sequences are aligned to the transcriptome for your reference genome, if you provided a GTF/GFF file. Remember, the transcriptome annotation describes known full-length unspliced transcripts.
- sequences that align to the transcriptome are retained, and their coordinates are translated to genomic coordinates
- sequences that do not align to the transcriptome are subjected to further analysis below
- Remaining sequences are broken into sub-fragments of at least 25 bases, and these sub-fragments are aligned to the reference genome.
- if two adjacent sub-fragments align to non-adjacent genomic locations, they are "trans frags" that will be used to infer splice junctions
At the end of the Tophat process, you have a BAM file describing the alignment of the input data to genomic coordinates. This file can be used as input for downstream applications like Cuffmerge, which will assemble parsimonious consensus fragments from the BAM file coordinates.
What cufflinks and cuffmerge do
For each separate dataset representing a specific replicate and condition, cufflinks assembles a map of genomic areas enriched in aligned reads. cuffmerge then takes the set of individual assemblies and merges them into a consensus assembly for all the provided datasets. The consensus may include known splice variant annotations if you have provided those to the program.
What cuffdiff and cummeRbund do
Next, cuffdiff uses the consensus splice variant annotations (and/or the known splice variants) to quantify expression levels of genes and isoforms, using FPKM (fragments per kilobase per million reads) metrics.
Finally, cummeRbund creates pretty differential expression plots of the FPKM data using R.
Notes on FASTQ preparation
Although we won't cover these issues here, there are some issues you should consider before embarking on the Tuxedo pipeline:
Should my FASTQ sequences be trimmed to remove low-quality 3' bases?
Should I remove adapter sequences before running Tophat?
Should I attempt to remove sequences that map to undesired RNAs before running Tophat? (rRNA for example)
How would, for example, rRNA sequence removal be done?
What other pre-processing steps might I consider?
Some Logistics...
Six raw data files were provided as the starting point:
- c1_r1, c1_r2, c1_r3 from the first biological condition
- c2_r1, c2_r2, and c2_r3 from the second biological condition
Due to the size of the data and length of run time, most of the programs have already been run for this exercise. The commands run are in different *.commands files. We will spend some time looking through these commands to understand them. You will then be parsing the output, finding answers, and visualizing results.
Data for this section is all located under $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/ So cd into this directory now.
Commands used are in different *.commands files located in $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/run_commands
Some output, like bam files can be gotten from the URL http://loving.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/bioiteam/tophat_cufflinks/ and directly loaded into IGV, using Load from URL.
If you generate your own output and would like to view them on IGV, you will need to scp the files from lonestar to your computer.
For help, remember to type the commands and hit enter to see what help they can offer you. You will also almost certainly need to consult the documentation for tophat, cufflinks and cummeRbund:
- http://tophat.cbcb.umd.edu/manual.html
- http://cufflinks.cbcb.umd.edu/manual.html
- http://compbio.mit.edu/cummeRbund/manual.html
Exercise Workflow
Here are the steps for the full workflow. Steps 2 and 3 can be omitted if you don't need to explore novel splice junctions. However here we will explore the full set of steps:
- map reads against the Drosophila genome (tophat)
- assemble the transcripts (cufflinks)
- merge the assemblies (cuffmerge)
- compute differential expression (cuffdiff)
- inspect the results
- examine the differential expression results (using Linux, IGV and cummeRbund)
- (Extra) compare assembled transcripts to annotated transcripts to identify potentially novel ones (cuffcmp)
Items 1-4 have already been performed in advance to save time.
Step 1: Run tophat
On lonestar, to run tophat, cufflinks etc, following modules need to be loaded.
module load boost/1.45.0 module load bowtie module load tophat module load cufflinks/2.0.2
tophat [options] <bowtie_index_prefix> <reads1> <reads2>
Look at run_commands/tophat.commands to see how it was run.
cd $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/C1_R1_thout ls -l -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 323M Aug 16 11:47 accepted_hits.bam -r-xr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 237K Aug 16 11:46 accepted_hits.bam.bai -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 52 Aug 16 11:46 deletions.bed -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 54 Aug 16 11:46 insertions.bed -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 2.9M Aug 16 11:46 junctions.bed -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 70 Aug 16 11:46 left_kept_reads.info drwxr-xr-x 2 daras G-803889 32K Aug 16 11:46 logs -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 70 Aug 16 11:46 right_kept_reads.info -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 9.7K Aug 16 11:46 unmapped_left.fq.z -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 9.9K Aug 16 11:46 unmapped_right.fq.z
Exercise 1a: Providing a transcript annotation file
Which tophat option is used to provide a transcript annotation file (GTF file) to use?
Exercise 1b: Using only annotated junctions
How would I tell tophat to only use a specified set of transcript annotation and not assemble any novel transcripts?
As you can see there are many many other options for running tophat!
Exercise 2: Examine a GTF file
The GTF file for our Drosophila genome (dm3) is in $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/reference/genes.gtf. What does it look like?
Exercise 3a: Examine a BAM file
Examine a few lines of the C1_R1 alignment file.
Exercise 3b: Spliced sequences
How is a spliced sequence represented in the BAM file?
Exercise 4: Count spliced sequences
How many spliced sequences are there in the C1_R1 alignment file?
Step 2: Run cufflinks
cufflinks [options] <hits.bam>
Look at $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/run_commands/cufflinks.commands to see how it was run.
Take a minute to look at the output files produced by one cufflinks run.
The important file is transcripts.gtf, which contains Tophat's assembled junctions for C1_R1.
cd $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/C1_R1_clout ls -l drwxrwxr-x 2 nsabell G-801021 32768 May 22 15:10 cuffcmp -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 14M Aug 16 12:49 transcripts.gtf -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 597K Aug 16 12:49 genes.fpkm_tracking -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 960K Aug 16 12:49 isoforms.fpkm_tracking -rwxr-xr-x 1 daras G-803889 0 Aug 16 12:33 skipped.gtf
Step 3: Merging assemblies using cuffmerge
Create a file listing the paths of all per-sample transcripts.gtf files so far, then pass that to cuffmerge:
cd $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks find . -name transcripts.gtf > assembly_list.txt cuffmerge <assembly_list.txt>
Take a minute to look at the output files produced by cuffmerge. The most important file is merged.gif, which contains the consensus transcriptome annotations cuffmerge has calculated.
cd $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/merged_asm ls -l -rwxrwxr-x 1 daras G-803889 1571816 Aug 16 2012 genes.fpkm_tracking -rwxrwxr-x 1 daras G-803889 2281319 Aug 16 2012 isoforms.fpkm_tracking drwxrwxr-x 2 daras G-803889 32768 Aug 16 2012 logs -r-xrwxr-x 1 daras G-803889 32090408 Aug 16 2012 merged.gtf -rwxrwxr-x 1 daras G-803889 0 Aug 16 2012 skipped.gtf drwxrwxr-x 2 daras G-803889 32768 Aug 16 2012 tmp -rwxrwxr-x 1 daras G-803889 34844830 Aug 16 2012 transcripts.gtf
Step 4: Finding differentially expressed genes and isoforms using cuffdiff
cuffdiff [options] <merged.gtf> <sample1_rep1.bam,sample1_rep2.bam> <sample2_rep1.bam,sample2_rep2.bam>
Exercise: What does cuffdiff -b do?
We will be inspecting the cuffdiff results further in a little bit.
Step 5: Inspect the mapped results
Before you even start, do a sanity check on your data by examining the bam files from the mapping output.
We've included the directory "bwa_genome" containing the output from bwa of the C1_R1_1 and C1_R1_2 files mapped directly to the genome using bwa. Tophat output is in C1_R1_thout for C1_R1 sample.
Report the total number of mapped reads for each sample using "samtools flagstat" for the bwa output (bam file) and the tophat output (bam file). There is a big difference between the bam file from tophat and the bam file from bwa. Can you spot it?
You might want to load the bwa bam file on IGV alongside the tophat bam file for the same sample to see the differences between mapping to the transcriptome and mapping to the genome.
Genome track
- Use D.melanogaster (dm3)
Data files (use Load from URL option)
- Load tophat bam file from URL: http://loving.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/bioiteam/tophat_cufflinks/C1_R1_accepted_hits.bam
- Load bwa bam file from URL: http://loving.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/bioiteam/tophat_cufflinks/bwa_genome/C1_R1.bam
- To load another tophat bam file from URL: http://loving.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/bioiteam/tophat_cufflinks/C2_R1_accepted_hits.bam
If you would like, you can also load another bam file output from the tophat run (remember, tophat calls bowtie for mapping). These are large file, so it may slow your computer down. Since we've already loaded C1_R1, let's load one from the C2 condition, say, C2_R1, to see genuine expression level changes.
Keep this open to come back to, when we further explore differential expression results.
Examine the differential expression analysis results
The cuffdiff output is in a directory called diff_out. We are going to spend some time parsing through this output. So, copy it over to your scratch directory and move to your SCRATCH directory.
cds cp -r $BI/ngs_course/tophat_cufflinks/diff_out . ls diff_out
Note that cuffdiff has performed a statistical test on the expression values between our two biological groups. It reports the FPKM expression levels for each group, the log2(group 1 FPKM/ group 2 FPKM), and a p-value measure of statistical confidence, among many other helpful data items.
Take a minute to look at the output files produced by cuffdiff.
cds cd diff_out ls -l -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 2691192 Aug 21 12:20 isoform_exp.diff : Differential expression testing for transcripts -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1483520 Aug 21 12:20 gene_exp.diff : Differential expression testing for genes -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1729831 Aug 21 12:20 tss_group_exp.diff: Differential expression testing for primary transcripts -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1369451 Aug 21 12:20 cds_exp.diff : Differential expression testing for coding sequences -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 3277177 Aug 21 12:20 isoforms.fpkm_tracking -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1628659 Aug 21 12:20 genes.fpkm_tracking -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1885773 Aug 21 12:20 tss_groups.fpkm_tracking -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1477492 Aug 21 12:20 cds.fpkm_tracking -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1349574 Aug 21 12:20 splicing.diff : Differential splicing tests -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 1158560 Aug 21 12:20 promoters.diff : Differential promoter usage -rwxr-x--- 1 daras G-801020 919690 Aug 21 12:20 cds.diff : Differential coding output.
Here is a basic command useful for parsing/sorting the gene_exp.diff
or isoform_exp.diff
cat isoform_exp.diff | awk '{print $10 "\t" $4}' | sort -n -r | head
Exercise 1: Find the 10 most up-regulated genes, by fold change that are classified as significantly changed. Look at one example of a up-regulated gene, regucalcin, on IGV.
Exercise 2: Find the 10 most up-regulated isoforms, by fold change that are classified as significantly changed. What genes do they belong to?
Step 6: Using cummeRbund to inspect differential expression data.
A) First load R and enter R environment
module load R R
B) Within R environment, set up cummeRbund
source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("cummeRbund")
C) Load cummeRbund library and read in the differential expression results. If you save and exit the R environment and return, these commands must be executed again.
library(cummeRbund) cuff_data <- readCufflinks('diff_out')
D) Use cummeRbund to visualize the differential expression results.
NOTE: Any graphic outputs will be automatically saved as "Rplots.pdf" which can create problems when you want to create multiple plots with different names in the same process. To save different plots with different names, preface any of the commands below with the command:
And after executing the necessary commands, add the line:
Thus, to use the csScatter command and save the results in a file called scatterplot.pdf, one would execute the following commands:
pdf(file="scatterplot.pdf") csScatter(genes(cuff_data), 'C1', 'C2') dev.off()
gene_diff_data <- diffData(genes(cuff_data)) sig_gene_data <- subset(gene_diff_data, (significant == 'yes')) nrow(sig_gene_data) isoform_diff_data <-diffData(isoforms(cuff_data)) sig_isoform_data <- subset(isoform_diff_data, (significant == 'yes')) nrow(sig_isoform_data)
csScatter(genes(cuff_data), 'C1', 'C2')
mygene1 <- getGene(cuff_data,'regucalcin') expressionBarplot(mygene1) expressionBarplot(isoforms(mygene1))
mygene2 <- getGene(cuff_data, 'Rala') expressionBarplot(mygene2) expressionBarplot(isoforms(mygene2))
Take cummeRbund for a spin...
CummeRbund is powerful package with many different functions. Above was an illustration of a few of them. Try any of the suggested exercises below to further explore the differential expression results with different cummeRbund functions.
If you would rather just look at the resulting graphs, they are at the URL: http://loving.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/bioiteam/tophat_cufflinks/ as exercise5_Rplots.pdf, exercise6_Rplots.pdf, and exercise7_Rplots.pdf.
You can refer to the cummeRbund manual for more help and remember that ?functionName will provide syntax information for different functions.
You may need to redo Step C) every time you reopen an R session.
Exercise 5: Visualize the distribution of fpkm values across the two different conditions using a boxplot.
Exercise 6: Visualize the significant vs non-significant genes using a volcano plot.
Exercise 7: Pull out a subset of the genes using a ln_fold_change greater than 1.5. Generate expression bar plots for just those genes.
If you have trouble sourcing cummeRbund, try this:
module swap gcc intel
Reenter R and redo above steps.
Running the Tuxedo pipeline at TACC
One important consideration running the Tuxedo pipeline at TACC is the 24-hour clock time limit on running jobs. Several steps in the pipline, especially the initial tophat alignment step, can be very time consuming, especially under one or more of these conditions:
- The reference genome is large (e.g. human data)
- Your input dataset(s) are large and/or numerous (many replicates)
- Your data is paired end (each end is processed separately before pairing is attempted)
- De novo splice junction detection is requested
If the 24-hour clock time limit becomes a problem for your data, you can do one or more of the following to reduce the time taken by any one step:
- Give tophat and/or cufflinks only one dataset at a time
- then use cuffmerge to merge the results, if you're using novel splice junctions detection
- or just merge the resulting individual accepted_hits.bam files if novel splice junctions are not being explored (before cuffdiff)
- If even one dataset is too large, split it into pieces and run each separately then cuffmerge or BAM merge as above
- Talk the TACC folks into allowing your jobs to run > 24 hours (good luck!)
Be aware that splitting up your data can reduce the power of the pipeline to find novel splice junctions, so you should try in general to process as much data as possible together.
Some tophat performance data
As we have seen above, most Tuxedo tools include a -p option for specifying the number of processes to use. When running at TACC, each process should be assigned to a separate core on a compute node, so you should coordinate your choice of -p with the "wayness" (number of tasks per node) option of launcher_creator.py.
This plot of tophat performance as a function of number of processes specified and options specified shows how these parameters interact when running Tophat on some basic RNAseq data.
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