CAEE Graduate Program
This wiki exists to provide information about the requirements, processes, and procedures of the graduate program for the Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering.
Enrolled students will receive weekly announcements and notifications through Canvas:
Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, E-mail: Kathryn McWilliams.
The Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering attracts excellent graduate students for a number of reasons. Our graduate students are about 50% domestic students from around the US and 50% International students from top programs around the world. The program is composed of about 50% MS and 50% PhD students, with a strong mix of interests.
The faculty has a culture that values excellence in teaching with a breadth of classes, world class research, and graduate student mentoring. These factors together with excellent research facilities provide an environment for graduate students to grow and excel.
Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Handbook
Social Media
Need more help?
- Graduate Coordinator:
Kathy McWilliams, - GSC Chair:
Chadi El Mohtar
- Graduate Advisor (CE):
Paola Passalacqua - Graduate Advisor (EWRE):
Lina Sela,
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