Registration Instruction Resource Handout
Students register for classes through the Registrar’s website during their assigned access periods every semester. The Registration Information Sheet will tell you when you may register.
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of registration deadlines and requirements.
Click here to review fall 2024 deadlines
Confirming Attendance
Once students have registered and completed their waivers, they must review their tuition bill, pay any assessed late fees or deposits, and click the CONFIRM ATTENDANCE button on the tuition bill screen.
If students do not confirm attendance by the registration deadline, their courses will be dropped and they will have to pay late registration fees to re-register. Attendance is confirmed when “your registration is complete” appears in the tuition bill screen.
Visit the Changing registration page for information on when and how you can change registration during the semester.
Continuous Registration
If the student has been admitted to candidacy for a doctoral degree, they must be registered in the dissertation course, CHE *99W continuously during the spring and fall semesters until their degree is completed. A minimum of 3 dissertation credits are required each long semester (fall and spring). The student may register for courses in addition to dissertation credits. For example, a third-year student who has entered candidacy might register for CHE 399W Dissertation, CHE 185 Seminar, CHE 285 Research, and CHE 398T Supervised Teaching.
*Students graduating in summer terms must be enrolled in dissertation hours.
Auto-registration for Dissertation Credits
Often, students who graduate are auto-registered for dissertation credits for the following long semester. Review the cancel your registration information, if you need to cancel your courses.
Course Loads
Summer Registration Requirements
- Students must register in the summer to maintain full-time student status if they are receiving Academic Employment, such as a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) or Teaching Assistantship (TA). Summer registration for all students may be whole session or either half session. If the student has academic employment (e.g. GRA) and would like to register for a second-session course, the student should still register during the spring registration period.
- Students must register in the summer to maintain full-time student status if they are receiving a fellowship. Summer registration for all students may be whole session or either half session. If the student has a fellowship and would like to register for a second-session course, the student should still register during the spring registration period. A student must be registered for fellowship funds to be disbursed; if the student waits until the second session to register, their fellowship will not be disbursed until the second session registration is complete.
- If a student is going on a department-approved internship and they will not have academic employment during the internship, they do not have to register for the summer term.
- International students must officially complete the CPT process; instructions are available on the internship link.
- A student will still be eligible for student health insurance even if they are not enrolled during the summer, however there will be an out-of-pocket cost to the student for the health insurance premiums. International students will be audited at the beginning of June for health insurance. If an international student is no longer eligible for employee insurance, the student health insurance plan will automatically be added to the spring tuition bill.
- While domestic students are not required to purchase student health insurance, they are allowed to do so. More information about health insurance as a student is available through University Health Services. (Scroll down to "other helpful information.")
- Continuous registration in dissertation hours is not required for summer session, only long semesters. However, if a student is expected to graduate in a summer term, dissertation hours is required.
- If a student registers for more than 3 total hours during the summer, they are responsible for tuition costs.