

Table of Contents

Getting Information

Visit the

 page for general information about using Zoom at UT.

Accessing The University Zoom Account

  • Click this button to go to utexas.zoom.us in a new tab
  • Click the SIGN IN button and log in with your EID

How to Tell If You Are Properly Logged In

One of the most common issues UT Zoom users run into is not being properly logged in when joining a meeting or trying to use Licensed features. This is especially true when you have more than one Zoom account, perhaps from before the UT Zoom instance was available.

On the Web

When you log into the Zoom web pageclick Profile in the left side menu and make sure you see the following:

  • UT branding and colors at the top
  • Under your Personal Meeting ID, the URL link should begin with https://utexas.zoom.us
  • Your Sign-In Email should be in the form of YOUREID@eid.utexas.edu and the icon next to Linked Accounts should say SSO
  • User Type should be Licensed (as long as your affiliation with UT is labeled Current)

Click the screenshot to enlarge

view of Zoom user account profile page showing proper login to UT account

In the App

When you open the Zoom app for Mac or Windows, click on your profile icon in the top right corner and make sure you see the following:

  • Next to your user name, you should see "Licensed"
  • Under your user name, your email address should be in the form of YOUREID@eid.utexas.edu

screen shot of clicking on user icon in zoom app


Affiliation StatusFaculty and StaffStudent
  • Unlimited meeting length
  • 300 participants
  • Cloud recording *
  • Unlimited meeting length
  • 300 participants
  • 40 minute meeting length
  • 100 participants
  • 40 minute meeting length
  • 100 participants

All current faculty, staff, and students gain a Licensed Zoom account by logging in with their EID at the link above. However, UT disables Cloud Recording for current students by default. This means you need an appointment as an employee of some kind to automatically get Cloud Recording. UT students may request Cloud Recording by submitting a request to zoom@utexas.edu with their need and EID.

* Graduate students who have an appointment such as TA or GRA will gain Cloud Recording. If the appointment was recently enacted, the student may need to log out and log in again at the link above for Zoom to enable the Cloud Recording feature.

Faculty, staff and students who are currently marked with Future status have EID access to a UT Zoom account with Basic features at the link above.

Allowing Non UT Participants

When scheduling a meeting, you will notice the check box for Only authenticated users can join is enabled and locked by ITS to make UT Zoom meetings more secure. Further, the selection of what kind of authenticated users is set to "UT Austin" by default, meaning only UT affiliated people may join the meeting.

There are two things necessary for non-UT affiliated people to join your Zoom meeting:

  • The guest must have a Zoom accountAny Zoom account will do, even a free one. They must be logged in to that Zoom account when clicking on the Zoom meeting link
  • When you create or edit your meeting, scroll down until you see "Meeting Options" and change the "Only authenticated users can join" selection to "Sign into Zoom (Guests)".

    screen shot showing selecting Sign in to Zoom (Guest)

If you've already created your meeting and shared the link, all you need to do is edit these meeting settings, and if the meeting is running, simply end it for all users and relaunch it.

Keeping Zoom Updated

Zoom occasionally releases new features and security updates that require an updated version of the client to join meetings.

Read here for helpful information about keeping zoom up to date.

For more information about security settings with UT Zoom, visit the ITS
Zoom Security and Privacy web page.

If you run into any problems, please reach out to ITO at 
help@education.utexas.edu and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

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