COM - 317 SportsMedia - Project One Setup
First Log Into the Facilis Server see this wiki | |
Next set your finder preferences to see the server in the sidebar Go to Finder in the Doc or click on the desktop of the computer > |
Go to >Finder>Settings |
Click on Sidebar >make sure that >COMM-Axxxx and >Hard disks
are checked |
Next make yourself a folder on the Sportsmedia server share Go to SportsMedia>Project 1 Editing>Student Folders and create a folder and title it with your name |
Next Open Premiere Pro >Applications > Premiere Pro |
Once Premiere opens
You will have to have an Adobe ID they are free to make Create or update your Adobe account
Or if you have an Adobe ID then Sign IN With your UN and PW |
You can choose whatever profile you have to choose it doesn’t matter |
Click on New Project |
Title your project and then >Choose Location to select where you save the project |
Save to >COMM-A yourcomputer >SportsMedia >Project 1 Editing >Student folder >Your Folder with your name that you made earlier |
Choose >Project Template >Broadcast Template Project |
Choose Create |
In the project window >Click Media Browser >Network Drives >SportsMedia >Project 1 >Media for Project |
Shift click both clips and choose >Import |
Once the clips import then drag them into the >Footage Folder
Then Start Editing |
Very Important Step is to Save the project back to the Facils Shared storage volume
Choose >File >Save As |
Save to >COMM-A yourcomputer >SportsMedia >Project 1 Editing >Student folder >Your Folder with your name that you made earlier |