Useful Mailing Lists for MoodyTechnology Staff
UT General Interest Mailing Lists | |
UTPD Campus WatchA digest of recent crime reports from the UT Police Department (UTPD) | |
CIO UpdateListserv for weekly message and update from the UT Chief Information Officer | |
IT TalkUnmoderated list for UT Austin technical support community to troubleshoot questions and share information. | |
IT UpdatesList for UT Austin technical support staff about IT issues and topics. | |
Mac OSXdiscussion list for support of os-x | |
Classroom AVThis list has been established to provide a discussion forum for staffers and managers who support classroom technology systems. Topics include AV systems, projectors, classroom control systems & programming, lighting control systems, AV compression & streaming and issues related to project management. | |
Purchasing UpdatesThis list is used to communicate purchasing policy and procedures related to UT Market, POINT Plus, and other eCommerce solutions. | |
Transforming UT: Business Productivity Initiative UpdatesUpdates on the activities happening on the recommendations of the President’s Committee on Business Productivity. | |
UT Project/Service Mailing Lists | |
UTWebUTWeb Project Updates | |
SharePoint AdministratorsThis list is used to send updates to SharePoint administrators. | |
UT Box AdminsThis is a list for administrators for the Box implementation at UT | |
DrupalCampus Special Interest Group for Drupal | |
TX EdgeThis list is for developers and professional technical staff in the University of Texas System. As a subscriber, you will have the opportunity to review and post messages pertaining to the technical advancements and achievements of our community. | |
Urchin UsersList for Urchin users to allow administrators to make announcements and users to ask questions. | |
WebpubUT Web publishers, developers and designers mailing list. What is UT WebPub? * a network of UT Web publishers, developers and designers * a forum for sharing the latest technology, tools and techniques * a vehicle to create a more cohesive and interactive Web publishing community that will result in a better Web presence for the university. | |
XML GatewayNotifications concerning the XML Gateway to its community of users. | |
TID Printing Service ListTID Printing Service List provides commmunication about TID printing status to customers using the TID printing service. | |
VoIP TechnicalVoice-Over-IP System - Technical Discussion List | |
UT Wordpress BlogsWordpress Administrator Mailing List | |
Active Directory PersonnelThe ad-personnel list is provides Austin Active Directory administrators with notifications of changes to Austin Active Directory. | |
Moody College Mailing Lists | |
COMM ProjectorsThis private email list will be a way for College of Communication A/V and Helpdesk staff to monitor video projector status and error messages. Staff will receive email from our fleet of 30+ projectors indicating such things as error messages, imminent lamp failures, heat warnings, periodic status updates, and so forth. Technicians who subscribe to this list will then be able to see which projectors need prompt attention, triage service requests among themselves based on type of error and room availability, and post follow-ups once issues are addressed. | |
COMM Projectors StatusInternal email list for weekly updates of projector status/hours | |
Handy External Mailing Lists | |
COG - Crestron Owners GroupThe Crestron Owners Group was established to fill this need and includes Crestron's sponsorship and participation as a corporate member. The goal of COG is to provide a safe and secure environment to facilitate communication among partner end user organizations for the purpose of information sharing and technology development. COG is an independent end user organization open to large, multi-system institutions within the United States and Canada. COG is completely managed and operated by member institutions, independent of Crestron. COG members have the opportunity to share experiences, design ideas, and best practices; visit other Crestron installations; provide input for the development of new Crestron products and technologies; and gain publicity for their own projects and organizations. COG members will also have access to Crestron specific materials such as a user driven, resource-rich website and regional & national meetings. Membership is open exclusively to: A+ Partners To ensure communication among multi-system institutional end users, COG is not granting membership to organizations within the distribution channel or individuals who provide design, installation, or programming services outside of their own organization. | |