Running a subject in the CMB1.116 MRI Simulator

Running a subject in the CMB1.116 MRI Simulator



Set up session

Log into the PC using your EID 

Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Music\sfx and play the file "MRI 3T Scanner Noise".

VLC will launch and play the sound. If the sound comes out of the headphones rather than the MRI simulator, see this helpsheet.

Click the Loop button at the bottom of the screen to ensure the sound plays continually


 Turn up the volume on the Focusrite Red box to confirm the MRI speakers are working.

Once you confirm they are working, you can turn them back down until your subject arrives.



Run the Subject

 Load subject 
Play movie first 
Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Booth\Mock Scan E-primes and launch the Script you want to run 
Enter the subject number 



Reviewed 10/2/17 - Cox

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