Nikon LS-5000 Negative Film Scanner

Nikon LS-5000 Negative Film Scanner

Turn on and make sure the green light is on

Make sure the USB is connected to a computer that has

VueScan Installed and Activated

Load the negative into the scanner adapter

The scanner will grab hold of the film do not force it 

Open VueScan software

Source should be LS-5000

Media should be

Color Negative or B&W (Black and White)

The Frame number start at 1 and then can

increase as you scan

Default Folder should be the storage drive 

you would like to save the files to

If you'd like to Calibrate the scanner choose

>Scanner Calibrate

Press Scan to start scanning

Increase the frame number to advance to the next frame

When finished 

>Scanner > Eject

Then Quit Vuescan

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