Pro Tools - Shortcuts to Know
Pro Tools - Shortcuts to Know
This is a list of essential Pro Tools shortcuts that are useful to know for streamlined usage. Use Cmd+F (Mac) or Ctrl+F (Windows) to find what you're looking for quickly.
Color coded shortcuts signify that they will be used in tandem in the same window.
Make sure the "Edit Keyboard Focus" button is selected in your Edit Window.
Action | Mac | Windows |
Save | Cmd+S | Ctrl+S |
Copy | Cmd+C | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Cmd+V | Ctrl+V |
Undo | Cmd+Z | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Cmd+Shift+Z | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Play | Spacebar | Spacebar |
Record | Cmd+Spacebar / F12 / 3 (Numpad) | Ctrl+Spacebar / F12 / 3 (Numpad) |
Solo Safe | Cmd+Click | Ctrl+Click |
Import Audio | Cmd+Shift+I | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Import Video | Cmd+Shift+Opt+I | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I |
Create Clip Separation | Cmd+E | Ctrl+E |
Heal Clip Separation | Cmd+H | Ctrl+H |
Consolidate Clips | Opt+Shift+3 | Alt+Shift+3 |
Duplicate Clip | Cmd+D | Ctrl+D |
Trim Clip to Cursor | A | A |
Trim Clip from Cursor | S | S |
Auto-Fade | F | F |
Fade Window (Clips selected) | Cmd+F | Ctrl+F |
Create Group | Cmd+G | Ctrl+G |
Enable/Disable Groups | Cmd+Shift+G | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Toggle Insertion Follows Playback | N | N |
Reset Window View | Opt+A | Alt+A |
Increase/Decrease Waveform Size | Shift+Opt+Scroll | Shift+Opt+Scroll |
Increase/Decrease Horizontal View | Opt+Scroll | Alt+Scroll |
Increase/Decrease all Track Height | Ctrl+Opt+Arrow Up/Down | Start+Alt+Arrow Up/Down |
New Track Dialogue Box | Cmd+Shift+N | Ctrl+Shift+N |
Change Track Type (Dialogue Box) | Cmd+Arrow Up/Down | Ctrl+Arrow Up/Down |
Change Track Width (Dialogue Box) | Cmd+Arrow Left/Right | Ctrl+Arrow Left/Right |
Add/Remove New Track Parameter (Dialogue Box) | Cmd+Shift+Arrow Up/Down | Cmd+Shift+Arrow Up/Down |
Increase/Decrease Create Track Number (Dialogue Box) | Arrow Up/Down | Arrow Up/Down |
Create Marker | Enter (Numpad) | Enter (Numpad) |
Enable/Disable Mix View | Cmd+= | Ctrl+= |
Bounce to Disk | Cmd+Opt+B | Ctrl+Alt+B |
Bounce Track | Cmd+Opt+Shift+B | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B |
Export Media | Cmd+Shift+K | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Change All Inputs/Outputs/Sends | Opt, then select input/output/send | Opt, then select input/output/send |
Change Inputs/Outputs/Sends for Selected Tracks | Opt+Shift, then select input/output/send | Opt+Shift, then select input/output/send |
Cascade Inputs/Outputs/Sends for Selected Track | Cmd+Opt+Shift, then select input/output/send to start cascade | Ctrl+Alt+Shift, then select input/output/send to start cascade |
Add/Remove Plugin on Insert Column on All Tracks | Opt, then select/remove plugin | Alt, then select/remove plugin |
Bypass Plugin | Cmd+Click | Ctrl+Click |
Bypass All Plugins on Track | Ctrl+Click (on first plugin in insert chain) | Start+Click (on first plugin in insert chain) |
Bypass All Plugins on All Tracks | Ctrl+Opt+Click (on first plugin in insert chain) | Start+Alt+Click (on first plugin in insert chain) |
Bypass All Plugins on Insert Column on All Tracks | Cmd+Opt+Click | Ctrl+Opt+Click |
Make Plugin Inactive | Cmd+Ctrl+Click | Ctrl+Start+Click |
Tab to Transient (Forwards) | Tab | Tab |
Tab to Transient (Backwards) | Opt+Tab | Alt+Tab |
Move Cursor Up/Down | P = Up, ; = Down | P = Up, ; = Down |
Half Speed Playback | Shift+Spacebar | Shift+Spacebar |
Start/Stop | 0 (Numpad) | 0 (Numpad) |
Rewind | 1 (Numpad) | 1 (Numpad) |
Fast Forward | 2 (Numpad) | 2 (Numpad) |
Record Enable | 3 (Numpad) | 3 (Numpad) |
Loop Playback Mode | 4 (Numpad) | 4 (Numpad) |
Loop Record Mode | 5 (Numpad) | 5 (Numpad) |
Quick Punch Mode | 6 (Numpad) | 6 (Numpad) |
Click On/Off | 7 (Numpad) | 7 (Numpad) |
Countoff On/Off | 8 (Numpad) | 8 (Numpad) |
Create 1k Test Tone | Ctrl+Opt+Shift+3 | Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3 |
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