Staff Email Accounts

Staff Email Accounts

Office365 accounts are available to current staff members and are automatically removed at the end of employment.

  1. Log in to the Computer Account Services page at https://utdirect.utexas.edu/its/account/services_overview.WBX
  2. Click the button next to Austin Exchange Mailbox / Office 365
  3. In the pop up window click on Add / Modify / Remove Mailbox
  4. Under Add a New Mailbox type in what you would like your address to be (the preferred format is firstname.lastname)
  5. Leave the default domain @austin.utexas.edu
  6. Click Add Mailbox (If the Add Mailbox button is greyed out, click View Mailbox Status to see if you already have an Office365 address)
  7. Your account should be ready for use within one hour at https://office365.austin.utexas.edu/ under Outlook Web App (OWA)

You may wish to update your email address in the Employee Information System so that your work email address is displayed in the UT Directory and used for UT communications.