Archivematica Working Group (2018 - )

Archivematica Working Group (2018 - )

The Archivematica Main Page can be found here: https://www.archivematica.org/wiki/Main_Page

The Archivematica development roadmap can be found here: https://www.archivematica.org/wiki/Development_roadmap:_Archivematica


Target releaseArchivematica 1.7
Document status 
DevelopersArtefactual Systems
Meeting Time

Initial meeting:

Standing weekly meeting for evaluation period:


  • Setting up a generic workflow so that the group can evaluate the tool for use in members' repositories.

  • Complete evaluation of the tool within 6-8 weeks from the date of the first AWG meeting.

  • Create a list of possible feature requests for Artefactual Systems based on our evaluation of the tool.


See archived pages in ArchiveArchivematica Working Group (2014).


  • Archivematica will streamline/partially automate the creation of archival and dissemination information packages (AIPs and DIPs)
  • It's point-and-click interface (post-customization) will allow for faster training of digital archives interns/assistants than previous command-line processing tools, and simultaneously allow the repository to provide a higher level of service. 


#Use casePriorityNotes


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this AWG evaluation:


Future Feature Requests

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