Adding Shared Calendars in Outlook

Adding Shared Calendars in Outlook


The School of Information has both a master events calendar, called iSchool Events Calendar (meet@ischool.utexas.edu), and individual room calendars that you can add to your personal Outlook calendar views in either your browser or in the Outlook application. 

Adding the master iSchool Events calendar to Outlook

You can add calendars to Outlook in Office365 via a Web browser or within the Outlook application. 

Adding shared calendars in Office365 via a Web Browser

To add the iSchool Events Calendar (meet@ischool.utexas.edu) master calendar to you own calendar view in Office365:

  1. Visit https://office365.austin.utexas.edu/ and login with your UTEID and password.

  2. Select the Calendar icon on the left-hand navigation menu.

  3. Click the Add Calendar Button

  4. Select Add From Directory

  5. Now iSchool Events is accessible from your Outlook calendar along with your personal calendar.

Adding Shared Calendars to Outlook's desktop applications


Note: you will need the calendar's address (example: meet@ischool.utexas.edu for the iSchool Events Calendar).  You can find addresses in the address book in outlook.





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