BEL Room Reservations

BEL Room Reservations

To request a room reservation for Kinesiology & Health Education faculty or staff, first check the current room reservations.

Once you find an open time period, email your request to Jenny Ann Eskew. In your email, please include the following:

  • Room Number

  • Time periods you would like to reserve the room

  • Purpose of the reservation

  • Expected number of attendees

  • Affiliated faculty member

**Your room reservation request is not finalized until you receive confirmation from Jenny Ann.

BEL Rooms

325 capacity 28

326B capacity 12

602A capacity 72

602B capacity 49

628A capacity 49

709A capacity 8

710A capacity 18 (12 chairs around table, 6 chairs along wall)

710B capacity 21 (12 chairs around table, 9 chairs along wall)

858 capacity 49

962 capacity 70

** use week view after opening calendar to see meeting end times