Course Schedule and Course Inventory Production
Course Schedule and Course Inventory Production
Course Schedule
- The Course Schedule is published before advising and registration begin for each semester and summer session. It lists each class being offered, its time, location, instruction mode, instructor (if available), and its unique number—which students must know in order to register.
- Course Schedules are published about two weeks before registration begins for a semester.
- Online Course Schedules: http://registrar.utexas.edu/schedules
Course Inventory
The course inventory consists of courses that the university is authorized to offer by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Active courses are published in the 'Courses' section of the General Information Catalog.
- Course inventory changes must be planned, approved, and implemented for academic programs in conjunction and accordance with catalog legislative cycles. Course changes must be submitted a minimum of one year prior to catalog publication to be published. For example, changes to a course program of study in the 2022-2024 Undergraduate Catalog should be:
- Legislatively proposed by August 1, 2021
- Submitted in course inventory systems before September 1, 2021
- Submitted in the next catalog draft before December 15, 2021 (corresponding academic program of study changes)
- Changes implemented during the fall inventory editing cycle are reported to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and are effective the following fall semester; limited changes implemented during the spring inventory editing cycle are effective the following spring semester.
Course Inventory Updates - Fall vs Spring
Spring access period
submissions effective next Spring
Only the following course attributes may be added, changed, or removed during this “in-house” access period:
- same-as statement (in cases where the titles, contact hours, and semester-hour values already match across the courses in question)
- restrictive statement
- subject-matter description
- degree-plan statement
- grading method
- prerequisite
- During this access period, numbered topics may also be added, dropped, or updated as needed.
Fall access period (September 1-November 1)
submissions effective next Fall
These kinds of changes must be reported to the Coordinating Board, and may only be submitted during the fall access period (September 1-November 1).
- add/drop/reinstate a course number,
- change the credit-hour value of an existing course,
- change a course title,
- change the contact hours and meeting statement of a course.
, multiple selections available,
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