Updating FaSET to Assign TAs and AIs

Updating FaSET to Assign TAs and AIs

Starting in Fall 2024, the College of Liberal Arts will require all units to report each TA’s course assignments during the fall and spring semesters using FaSET (Faculty and Student Electronic Tracking).

Note: If your unit uses centralized Course Management Services, please check with your course scheduler on who should input this information in FaSET. Current authorized users will have access to the system. If you would like to authorize additional users, please contact your course scheduler.


The Process:

  1. Login to FASET: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/oir/fasttrack/index.WBX

    1. *Review ‘Important Dates’ and ‘FaSET FAQ’ in the Navigation Menu of FaSET for important information

  2. On Navigation Menu, select ‘Class List’


  1. Select a course by clicking on the Unique number that you have assigned TAs (and AIs)

  1. Bottom of the next screen, click on ‘Update’ next to “AIs and TAs:”


  1. Input EID for each TA (and/or AI) assigned to that course. Click Update when done.

  1. Click next class OR Repeat steps 2-5 above

7. Once you are done inputting all the TA assignments, please contact your course scheduler to let them know this is complete.


*Important Dates are listed on the Informational Links in the FaSET system.

*There is also a FaSET FAQ that has other useful information.



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