Staff Submissions Portals

Staff Submissions Portals


Staff Performance Appraisals

Please upload your Staff Performance Appraisals here, using 1 PDF per Employee. (This PDF may contain the appraisal form, the complete list of job duties, and any additional written response provided by the employee (if applicable).

Please label your file as "YY-YY_PerfEval_DEPT_LastName.pdf"

"YY-YY" = the fiscal year of the eval; ex. "24-25"

"DEPT" = 4-character UT Department code for your unit; ex. "ECON" (Department of Economics)

"LastName" = Employee's last name. Can include first name or initial if needed for clarity. ex. "24-25_PerfEval_ECON_RobinsonJ.pdf" or "24-25_PerfEval_ECON_Davis_Justin.pdf"



Flexible Work Arrangement Forms

Please upload your supervisor-approved Flexible Work Arrangement form here using the following naming convention: FWA YY-YY_Unit Code_Last Name, First Name


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