Network Drive: Lost Access

Network Drive: Lost Access

A much better alternative to using the N drive is to switch to using UT Box instead. With Box Sync your files will always be locally accessible or through a web browser on the Box website and you do not need to use the VPN when off campus.

Box makes it much easier to move from machine to machine while retaining access to your files.


Check that you are not clicking on the Network icon, the N:\ drive will be listed in "This PC" (Windows 10) or "My Computer" (Windows 7).


If you have lost access to the N:\ drive (it does not appear in This PC) even after restarting your computer, follow the guide below.



If you are off campus you must first run the VPN to be able to access these files. See - Network Drive: Accessing the N drive from off campus


Step-by-step guide

  1. Open File Explorer

    Windows 10Windows 7


  2.  In the address bar type in \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\law and press enter.

  3. If you drag a folder to "Quick access" (Windows 7 - "Favorites") using this method, the shortcut will continue to function even if the N:\ drive does not appear.

    Windows 10Windows 7





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