Mapping Technologies

For making and testing API Calls:

  • When building an application that makes API calls, Postman serves as a great desktop application to run and test API calls.
  • Postman can be retrieved from:
  • Postman returns JSON responses which can easily viewed before attempting to parse a JSON response through code

When making two step calls:

    • Some API calls require a two step, or asynchronous, process. This is an example of how we executed an asynchronous call to get all data from the users of a system:
    • Make the initial call that will return a resultId:
      • GET [baseAPIaddress]/[version]/Accounts/[accountID]/Contacts
    • Step 1 will return a JSON response containing resultId. Parse the response to isolate the resultId.
    • Make the second call that includes the resultId:
      • GET [baseAPIaddress]/[version]/Accounts/[accountID]/Contacts?resultId=[resultID]
    • Step 3 will return a JSON response containing data on all users
  • Restrict SQL Server and Web App access by IP address
    • Make note of your current external IP address
      • Your current external IP address can be found by searching for “What is my IP” on com
    • Configure SQL Firewall settings
      • Press SQL databases link on Resources Pane located on the far left the pane
      • Choose appropriate SQL server instance name from SQL Databases pane
      • Click ‘Set Server Firewall’ link in Instance pane
      • If adding current IP address
      • Click “Add client IP” link within the Firewall Settings pane
      • If adding other IP address
      • Type descriptive Rule Name
      • Input appropriate Start IP and End IP range:
      • If one IP- Start and End IP are the same
      • If range of IPs- Start IP is the lower limit of IP range. End IP is the upper limit of IP range
      • Click Save button
    • Enable Web App IP Access Restriction
      • Press App Services link on Resources Pane located on the far left the pane
      • Choose appropriate App name from App Services pane
      • Select Networking from the App Resources pane
      • Select Configure IP Restrictions from within the Networking pane
      • Click Add rule button
      • Input appropriate IP address to restrict app access to
      • Subnet Mask may be ignored
      • Click Add Rule button
    • Remove Web App IP Access Restriction
      • Press App Services link on Resources Pane located on the far left the pane
      • Choose appropriate App name from App Services pane
      • Select Networking from the App Resources pane
      • Select Configure IP Restrictions from within the Networking pane
      • Select the ellipsis associated with the IP access you’re removing
      • Click Remove
      • Confirm by clicking Yes