Organization and Administration
Graduate programs at UT Austin are administered through approximately 40 Graduate Studies Committees (GSCs). Members of a GSC are assistant professors, associate professors, and professors who are active in their particular graduate degree program. Each GSC elects its own chairperson. The GSC recommends admission of students to the program, sets requirements for graduate degrees in the program, recommends students for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D., and is responsible for maintaining the high quality of graduate education in the program.
The graduate advisor is a member of the GSC who is appointed by the Vice President and Dean of Graduate Studies to advise all graduate students and represent the Graduate School in matters pertaining to graduate students. Questions about degree requirements and academic policies should be directed to the graduate advisor (an appointment may be necessary if the question is too complex to be covered over email).
The graduate coordinator (GC) assists the graduate advisor and the GSC by keeping complete academic records for the students and ensuring that paperwork is processed in a correct and timely manner. The graduate coordinator fields all student questions and accepts walk-ins during normal workday hours. Students may also call the GC at 512-471-1504 or send an email to with any questions. Please see the GC before seeking assistance from others. Although convenient, advice given to you by other students may not be accurate.
Your faculty supervisor directly supervises your research. He/she plays a vital role in all areas of your graduate education; therefore, it is very important that you discuss your research regularly with your faculty supervisor. Make sure you attend all group meetings and that your course selections meet both the MS&E program thrust area requirements and your faculty supervisor’s approval. You are not permitted to take courses not approved by your supervisor; this could result in termination of your teaching or research assistantship and/or a postponed graduation date.
In most cases, some or all of the funds that pay your salary and your tuition come from research grants administered by your supervisor so he/she is responsible for reporting your research progress to the funding agency. If you are appointed as a research or teaching assistant, you are an employee of the university and must follow university regulations for employment. You are employed even during academic holidays such as Winter Holiday and Spring Break. Coordinate your vacation time with your supervisor BEFORE booking any trips.
The following individuals currently administer the MS&E graduate program:
Dr. Jamie Warner, Director, Office: EER 6.620, Email:
Dr. Yuebing Zheng, Graduate Advisor and Graduate Studies Committee Chair, Office: ETC 9.104, Phone: 512-471-0228
Dr. Donglei Fan, Assistant Graduate Advisor & Minority Liaison Officer, Office: ETC 9.154, Phone: 512-471-5874
Katherine Morales, Graduate Coordinator & Admissions Coordinator, Office: EER 6.610, Phone: 512-471-1504