


The TS GUI grants user control over spectrograph optics, calibration sources, and the solar port. Generally, anything that an observer may wish to adjust within the slit and spectrograph rooms is accessible here.


Solar Port: Gives the user control over the solar port. 

Cal Lamp: Controls the position of the calibration lamp stage.

ThAr Power: Controls power status of the ThAr lamp. The lamp must be powered before being turned on.

I2 Cell: Inserts or removes the I2 cell from the beam path. The cell will generate a set of absorption lines on each spectra at set wavelengths.

WFS: Inserts or removes the Wavefront Sensor probe from the beam path. The WFS cannot be used without inserting the probe.

Hartmann: Gives control over the Hartmann masks. Typically used solely by the calibration script for the purpose of instrument focus.

TS2 M5: Currently disabled.

Flat Field: Controls state of Flat Field lamp. Also used by the calibration script.

ThAr Lamp: Controls state of ThAr lamp. Frequently used by observers throughout the night, but also used by the calibration script.

I2 Cell Temps: Displays temperature readings from the I2 cell.

WFS Ref: Gives control over the Wavefront Sensor's reference star. (((What does this do?)))

Eschelle: Displays current eschelle encoder value and allows adjustment of stage position when 'Enable' is active. The + and - functions will move the stage by a user-defined step size while the @ function will set the encoder value to the input.

Prism: Displays current prism encoder value and allows adjustment of stage position when 'Enable' is active. The + and - functions will move the stage by a user-defined step size while the @ function will set the encoder value to the input.

TS23 Focus: Displays current instrument focus encoder value and allows adjustment of focus when 'Enable' is active. The + and - functions will move the focus by a user-defined step size while the @ function will set the encoder value to the input.

Preset Configurations: Moves eschelle and prism stages to standard values. 'On Blaze' is a standard wave solution, +250 and -250 will move the stage accordingly.

User Configurations: Moves stages to user defined positions.

Foci: Defines TS21 or TS23 foci. Set to current configuration.

Grating: Defines which eschelle grating is currently used for instrument operation. Set to current configuration.

Enable: Gives user control of greyed-out eschelle and prism controls.

Abort: Aborts any current adjustment to encoder values.

I2 Cell:

Restart Server: If TS GUI is not functioning properly, the TS server can be restarted with this function.

Exit: Closes TS GUI.

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