Proteomics educational links

Proteomics educational links


Ion source

Many links for basic mass spectrometry education, as well as applications like proteomics


Proteome Software (Scaffold) Documentation

Scaffold support documentation

Matrix Science informational page 

Introductory proteomics and presentations explaining database searching with MASCOT focus


Thermo Fisher Piercenet Protein Methods

Protein Mass Spectrometry Analysis webpages on MS and quantitation in library of protein methods


Spring 2020 Proteomics research presentations/journal club

4/9/20 Daniel Howsmon "Informing signal transduction models with DIA proteomics"

4/2/20 Erin Seeley “Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Molecular Histology and Clinical Biomarker Discovery”

5/21/20 Seung Woo Ryu  "Proteome-wide identification of HSP70/HSC70 Chaperone Clients in Human Cells"

Proteomics lectures

Maria Person and Peter Faull's short course Introduction to Proteomics Services from Spring 2022

Maria Person's CCBB short course Introduction to Proteomics lecture from Spring 2020

Maria Person's CCBB short course Protein ID/Scaffold tutorial from Spring 2020

Maria Person's CCBB short course from Spring 2018

Introduction to Proteomics

Maria Person's short course from Spring 2017

Introduction to Proteomics-Mass Spectrometry with Scaffold

National Cancer Institute c. 2011

Graphical, introductory video on protoemics and clinical applications


University of Colorado Systems Biology Core Facility

Karen Jonscher has three lectures on MS theory and biomedical applications


Proteomics courses

BroadE Workshop Proteomics Dec 2013

Half day lecture course in proteomics with pdfs available online


BroadE Proteomics Dec. 2012

2 day lecture course in proteomics from the Broad Institute with videos and pdfs available online


Day 1: Technology, samples and experiments

Day 2: From Lists to biological knowledge