LA interface changes (SP21)

LA interface changes (SP21)

Forthcoming in spring 2021, OnRamps Learning Assistants (LAs) will see a different layout of Quest. This guide primes affected parties for what's forthcoming.

Home page will just look a little more snazzy:


(spring 21)

Course assignments left side bar, depending on how wide your window is, may be nested in the three horizontal lines in the upper left hand corner:


(spring 21)

The vast majority of the the functions are the same, even if the color scheme is slightly different. The new interface for spring does offer two enhancements, though--

Late Submits may be used per assignment, or student

Grades by Subject Area will offer visualizations of the data displayed for greater user accessibility.

And a new feature, Exam Dashboard, will also help keep track of the details of testing.

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 11.39.57 AM.png

Another new addition: Group Start Times, where you can set different exam start times for the groups of your class (notice the _1, _2, original and default groups below) on the edit all page:

On the exam's assignment you will see how many students are in each group:

Dropdown answer choices

When OnRamps Administrators turn on the blind toggle for a test (via edit settings), students will receive a drop down of choices rather than a block of choices.

The standard way of presenting answers to students lists them all on one page:

With dropdown answer choices enabled the answer choices will be nested in a pull down menu:

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Quest-ers at questhelp@austin.utexas.edu

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