Build Lab Equipment
Usually refers to large pieces of machinery, but also includes those things we don't check out. Please clink on tool for Standard operating procedures.
Available to Undergraduate Students in 1st year and through portfolio review (3rd year) who have successfully completed the requisite training
Vacuum table - for clamping multiple sheet goods together, such as topographic models.
Paint Booth - one of two spaces where spray cans can be used, the other being on the tarp over the welding table on the Goldsmith Patio
Casting Areas - there are two areas allocated for casting concrete, plaster, Rockite, etc. This is an activity that is not allowed indoors elsewhere (i.e. it's not allowed in studios).
Available for Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students who've passed portfolio review
Additional training is required.
All the above, plus...
Table Saw
Dado Saw
Thickness Sander
CNC Router (2)
Vertical Mill
Power Hacksaw
Sandblast Cabinet
3-in-1 Sheet Metal Machine
Hossfeld metal bender
Compound Miter Saw
Vacuum Former (2)