GEA Space/Classrooms

GEA Space/Classrooms

Gearing Hall

Gearing (GEA) Hall is home to the School of Human Ecology and three of its units: Nutritional Sciences, Public Health, and Textiles & Apparel. For non-departmental space that is allocated by the Dean to the School, the Director will review space assignments and requests annually, and will make space allocation and assignment decisions in consultation with School leadership. 


GEA has 13 department-owned rooms (classrooms, labs, conference rooms) and 3 general purpose classrooms. Information on building maintenance, building updates, and room reservations can be found in the links below.

GEA Building Manager

Brandon Crabtree

GEA Address

200 W. 24th Street, Stop A2700
Austin, TX 78712-1247

Building Maintenance and Construction Updates

Work Order Request and Query System (WORQS)

UT Works - Use this link to submit requests to have things fixed within GEA.

Reporting an issue is free and just requires very basic information If the situation is a service, CRIB, or move request there is an account requirement as these services to usually have an expense associated with them.

If you have any questions regarding building maintenance or just Gearing in general please contact Brandon Crabtree - brandon.crabtree@austin.utexas.edu

Construction Updates:

Please check here for updates.

If you have any questions about the schedule or moving items in your office reach out to Brandon Crabtree - brandon.crabtree@austin.utexas.edu

Room Reservations

Please use this link to schedule rooms in GEA: CNS Room Reservations

Guidelines for Reserving Rooms in GEA

  • TXA/PBH classes take priority

  • Rooms on the second floor of GEA are almost exclusively reserved for TXA courses

  • Reservations for regular meetings cannot exceed the current semester