Contract Request Submissions

Contract Request Submissions

SoHE's Business Services Team utilizes the Contract+ system to electronically submit contract request for the school's units. You should submit your contract requests to the Business Services Team via email, he-business_services@utlists.utexas.edu.

Please submit contract request emails at least 4 weeks prior to the desired start date. You should not accept services from a vendor without an approved contract on file to avoid the risk of the expense becoming an non-reimbursable out-of-pocket expense.

Your contract request email should include the below completed documents:

  1. Business Contract Reveiw Checklist (BCRC)
  2. Updated Relevant Service Agreement/Contract
  3. Employee/Independent Contractor Classification Checklist (EICCC)
  4. Any other relevant supporting documentation

*If you total contract surpasses $15K and competition does not exist or it is in the university’s best interest to use a particular product or service you will first need approval prior to submitting a contract request via an Exclusive Acquisition Justification (EAJ) Form, https://utexas.app.box.com/v/eaj. See more EAJ resources here, https://afm.utexas.edu/hbp/part-7/5-3-exclusive-acquisition.
**If this is a contract related to Official Occasion Expense Form (OOEF), you will also need an approved OOEF.

If you have any questions regarding the contract submission process , please send an email to he-business_services@utlists.utexas.edu.

Additional Resources:
Use of Existing University Contracts: https://afm.utexas.edu/hbp/part-7/5-2-use-of-existing-contracts