Scheduling Courses

Scheduling Courses


The course scheduling process begins about nine months before the start of each semester when the primary course scheduler sends the division heads a first draft based on the courses taught in the previous year.  The division head leads the creation of the schedule with his/her programs/ faculty.  The primary course scheduler works with the division heads to check the resulting schedule for accuracy, teaching loads, and conflicts. All changes to the schedule should be completed during chair proof, about four months before the start of each semester.

Any last minute changes that need to be made after it is published on the registrar's website http://registrar.utexas.edu/schedules need to be approved by your division head and then routed to the course scheduler to process.

  • Course scheduling timeline: A designated staff member will request data from faculty/programs about 1 week prior to the following time periods so that there is time to enter all of our courses into a Registrar system called, Class Manager. That system is only open for edits during 2, 2-week periods each year.
    • Original Phase typically happens during…
      • FALL: November and early December for the following fall semester.
      • SPRING: End of April for the following spring semester
      • SUMMER: October and early November for the following summer
    • Chair Proof Phase typically happens during…
      • FALL: Mid February for the coming fall semester
      • SPRING: Mid July for the following spring semester
      • SUMMER: coincides with fall chair proof phase
    • We should be completing 95% of course scheduling during these two phases because the course schedule will be published and students advised based on these planning sessions. 

Course Flags

Course Flags are a university-wide initiative to improve the undergraduate experience.  The instructor of each course is responsible for requesting any appropriate flag designation for his/her course from the School of Undergraduate Studies.  Details and descriptions of the various flag designations can be found on their website: http://www.utexas.edu/ugs/ccc/flags

Flags must be proposed nine months before the first semester the course will be offered.  Exact deadlines can be found in the course-proposal system: http://www.utexas.edu/ugs/ccc/propose-flag.

Instructor-level flags must be renewed every three years through the same proposal system.  Course-level flags are permanent.

Signature Courses

All undergraduate students are required to take two signature courses as part of their core curriculum at the University of Texas at Austin.  These innovative freshmen courses are taught by senior faculty (tenure-track, tenured, or senior lecturer) and are meant to improve the freshman experience.  Individual faculty are responsible for proposing their own signature courses through the School of Undergraduate Studies.  For details and to propose a signature course, please visit http://www.utexas.edu/ugs/sig/propose

Signature course proposals are due at the beginning of October every year, and must be proposed one full year before they are offered.  To offer a signature course a second (or third) time, you must resubmit it via the same system.

Summer Courses

Summer teaching opportunities are limited and have different enrollment requirements than the long semesters.  At the end of the preceding fall semester, the faculty will be prompted to submit requests to teach a course during the summer, indicating the course title, description, and anticipated enrollment.  Selection of summer courses is at the discretion of the chair.

Enrollment Minimum Policy

The department follows the College of Fine Arts enrollment minimums and teaching load policies, which can be found online: http://www.utexas.edu/finearts/faculty/teaching-load-and-course-enrollment

Course Inventory Changes

Adding new course numbers and certain changes to old course numbers (e.g. contact hours, prerequisites, and degree plan statements) can only be proposed once a year (in September) and will not go into effect until the next fall semester.  All course inventory changes require area head approval.  Contact the primary course scheduler for instructions and to initiate such changes.

Degree Program Changes

Changing a degree program or adding a new degree can only be done with the biennial publication of a new course catalog and requires approval of the University of Texas System.  The department's  internal process is managed by the curriculum committee and the chair in consultation with the College of Fine Arts Dean of Student Affairs.  Within the department, any degree program updates would need to be vetted by the area faculty, the curriculum committee, and approved by the full faculty.  The new degree program is then vetted by the COFA Undergraduate Policy and Curriculum Committee http://www.utexas.edu/finearts/faculty/undergraduate-policy-and-curriculum-committee Subsequent steps are handled by College of Fine Arts Student Affairs.

Additional Faculty Resources for Classes

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