Faculty Search Ad Placement

Faculty Search Ad Placement




Submit a Request to Search Form to the Dean's Office for approval. This form must be accompanied by 4 supporting materials:

  1. A Letter of Justification from the chair listing: a) Description of the teaching responsibilities, b) Justification of the need for this position in the school/department, c) Justification of the proposed rank and salary range, d) Any other relevant information
  2. Any funding commitments received in writing from the provost, dean or other department.
  3. A long form and short form ad copy for distribution, detailing the proposed faculty position (see more details about this piece below).

  4. List of search committee members, noting a designee to act as the chair of the committee


After you receive approval from the College of Fine Arts, it's time to get the word out. You should already have your ad copy for the position composed. We advise a long form version and a short form version of 200 words or less. Both lengths will enable us to share the position to various advertisers. Be sure your ads include:

  1. Position Title (tenure or non-tenure, Assistant or Associate Professor, specialization/focus, etc.)
  2. Essential Functions

  3. Necessary Experience

  4. Outline Required Skills
  5. Applicant Instructions (to apply via Interfolio and the required materials)
  6. Mission of Our Institution
  7. Department Website
  8. Contact information (optional)

After you've written and proofed your 2 versions, email the ads AND the approved Request to Search Form to Tatiana Artis  for posting on the UT Faculty Recruitment Web, the Theatre and Dance Facebook social platform pages, and other public facing job forums. Scroll down for examples of common job sharing boards below. If you have another forum you'd like to use, let us know.




Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE)

ARTSEARCH/Theatre Communications Group

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Academic Keys

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Medium: Online

Ad Duration: 2 months

Word Count: 200 words or fewer

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Medium: Online/PDF

Ad Duration: 3 months

Word Count: 200 words or fewer

Medium: Print

Ad Duration: 1 month (box ad)

Word Count: Depends on size of the ad; try to limit to 200-300 words.

Medium: Online

Ad Duration: 4 months

Word Count: No word limit.




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