Syllabi and CV Submission
If you teach an undergraduate course, HB 2504 requires that you submit a current course syllabus and curriculum vitae.
Please follow the guidelines set forth by the attached memo from Neal Armstrong in the Provost’s Office with regard to content for both your syllabi and curriculum vitae. Requirements for CVs are at the top of page 2 and a sample CV is on page 5 of the memo. Requirements for syllabi are on pages 6 and 7 of the memo. Another attachment, Provost Approved Syllabus, has additional information about syllabi.
Please submit syllabi and CVs in Word or searchable PDF format to Clarissa Smith at the beginning of the semester. Please remember to remove sensitive information such as cell phone numbers or home addresses, unless you intend to specifically include these items.
Syllabi should be saved using the following naming convention. Semesters are labeled by the first full month of that term. Fall uses a 9 (September), Spring a 2 (February), and Summer a 6 (June).
Course Prefix | Course Number | Year/Semester | Unique Number |
T_D | 301 | 20139 | 12345 |
The document title should appear similar to:
T_D3012013912345.pdf or T_D3012013912345.doc
CVs should be saved using the following naming convention. CVs are not required every semester, but please send an updated CV if there any significant additions or changes.
Last Name | First Name | Middle Initial | College Name | Semester/Year |
Fest | Albert | B | COFA | 092013 |
The document title should appear similar to:
FestAlbertBCOFA092013.pdf or FestAlbertBCOFA092013.doc