Final Exam Scheduling

Final Exam Scheduling

Each semester, just after the 12th class day, a department representative is asked to go through every class being offered and indicate on a UT system whether or not the class will hold an exam during the official final exam week. You will receive a form from the main office that asks you to fill in your classes and indicate your preference for final exams and official course instructor surveys (CIS).

The system does not want to know if you will hold a final exam during your regular scheduled class time - it is only concerned with exams during exam week. 

If you indicate that you will have a final exam – during exam week – then please use the form to let me know if you are using the same classroom space, or if you want to be assigned a General Purpose Classroom (GPC = a space on campus that is not “owned” by a particular department; these spaces are assigned to you for final exams and for large lecture classes that cannot be accommodated in the “home department’s” own building).