Official Course Instructor Surveys (CIS)

Official Course Instructor Surveys (CIS)

At the beginning of each semester, a department representative is asked to go into the Course Instructor Survey system to indicate your preferences for administering your official Course Instructor Surveys [CIS]. Go to the CIS Information Webpage for basic information on this process. You will have the option to use paper or an online version.

  • If you choose paper forms, then you can choose from the basic version, the expanded version, and other options. You are encouraged to explore the options available to you.
  • If you have your students fill out the online CIS, this is a great way to reduce our records storage. 
  • All courses taught by Assistant Instructors are required to use the electronic CIS administration option.

Once you have gone through the CIS process, you will be able to log in to the MyCIS site with your EID to view your results online. MyCIS provides online summaries for the scantron section(s) of paper CIS, but not the written comments by individual students. For online CIS, you can view the summaries and the comments through this site. The main office is required to maintain the paper CIS for 10 years, and those records will have all the individual comments for you to review. These originals are usually available by the beginning of the semester after your course took place.